Hidden Truth

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A couple days had passed since Janna, Star, and Marco's exhibition through the Forest of Certain Death. Throughout the hike, nothing of importance (or creepiness) happened which seemed to disappoint Janna, but that didn't stop her from aweing at the majesticness of Mewni Castle. The Queen and King weren't too happy that Star had brought another human to stay in Mewni Castle, but they didn't seem to put up much resistance. Instead they nagged Star about letting humans go through the Forest of Certain Death, mostly referring to Janna as Marco had proven himself as a capable fighter. But something was off with the forest, as if the whole thing was focusing on a fixed point, as if it was ignoring the teens. Star said that nothing of interest was in there, but certain whisperings and ruffles in the bushes caused by bunnies.. After some arguing between the royal family, the Queen and King let it go, and allowed Janna to stay in the Castle but only as a guest of Star.

A couple days had passed; nothing was happening, all except for one peculiar thing. Throughout the last few days, when Star walked around a specific point of the castle, her wand started to glow.

"Why do you think it's like this? Is it going to explode?" Star joked.

"Naw. It's pretty slick though." Janna said, spreading her toes across the hallway.

When Marco first noticed it, he had a different response. "Whenever your wand glows, something bad starts happening. You should get it checked up."

Some time passed and the glow had lost it's charm. It had actually started to blink in her bedroom.

Janna, who had been sleeping in her room for the last few days, never seemed to mind, but for Star it was the last straw.

"I'm putting an end to this!"

Star jumped out of her bed. Tripping over every useless object and item of clothing that Janna and herself had left on the floor, she managed to find the door. Janna didn't seem to have noticed and the blinking was starting to lessen as Star made her way down to her best friend's room.

She slowly opened the creaking door, making sure not to wake anyone up. The night light of Mewni reflected the boy's room, a room Star had made him as a perfect replica of his room on Earth. Star entered, her wand's glow now fully extinguished. She sneakily walked next to the sleeping Marco and gave him a quick shake to wake him up. Once that didn't work, she shook him to the best of her ability. Not only did this wake up the boy, but also freaked him out enough for him to fall of his bed.

He quickly stood back up in a karate pose assuming the worst. He let out a loud, "WHO'S THERE?!" before Star put her index finger up to his mouth. "Shhh, we need to be silent. We don't want to wake up anyone else, especially my parents, because they-"

"Uhm, Star?"


"I haven't said a word for a good couple of seconds."

Only then she realized she was still touching his lips. "Oh, sorry, I uhm.. Heh." She nervously chuckled and created what she hoped to be a sincere smile to ease up the situation. It wasn't. Marco, strangely, didn't seem to mind that much. "Aaaaaanyway, this stupid glow of wand of mine has been bugging me for days and I wanna find out why."

"Sounds good," he nodded his head in agreement. "But why did you wake me up when you have Janna sleeping in your room?"

Star froze. That was a pretty good question. "Because, uhm... you're Marco, hehe."

"Yeah, that doesn't explain anything."

"Oh, come on. We always go on adventures together. Besides, Janna is... well, Janna. She always somehow manages to make weird comments that turn completely normal situations into awkward silence."

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