"Someone's in a hurry..."

Start from the beginning

“Rachelle’s life is here and she’s happy with what she’s built here-it was just too much for her-that you expected it to be so easy for her to get up and leave. I mean you guys haven’t been together for that long. I mean its not like your engaged or anything.”  I looked up in this moment, if I had looked up a second later I would have missed the hope and sadness that passed through his eyes. This only left me with one thought, and if what I was thinking was true than Rachelle has certainly dug herself a huge hole.

“I don’t see the problem,” Ross jumped in with a mouth full of food, “…there’s more food for us.” 

Obviously Ross missed the entire conversation Caleb and I just had, but he did manage to break the awkward silence. “Look, just give her a little space, okay, I’m sure everything will be fine. As long as you don’t push the New York issue-give it some time for the idea to sink in and hopefully she’ll come around.” I told Caleb with the most reassuring smile I could muster up. 

After a while Caleb began to relax, I was extremely thankful that Ross kept him busy-for I was either thinking about Dylan or concerned about Rachelle and what’s happening with her and Eric. I sent both of them a message but so far no response- I mean okay Rachelle is probably a bit busy but what excuse could that boyfriend of mine have for not being able to respond to my message or calls after eleven at night. If I was an insecure girlfriend I would be inclined to think there was someone else-but Dylan wasn’t stupid-he’s knows I’ll kill him. 

“I think I’m gonna clear out.” Caleb said pulling me from my reverie. “ Can you tell Rach I’m sorry and to call me.”

“Yeah, of course. don’t worry about her. She sent me a message earlier- turns out she had a lot of work to catch up in the office and she should be home soon.” I lied seeing the concern written all over his face.

“Great-thanks for putting up with me.”

“Thank Ross.” I said while pointing my thumb to  the lump hanging over the couch. Caleb laughed and gave me a hug goodbye. 

“So what do you want to do now.” Ross shouted from the couch. I was about to answer him when I heard my phone ringing in the kitchen. I wasted no time-I knew who was calling. I raced across the living room and  practically leaped over to the breakfast counter to get to my phone. “Where’s the fire?!” Ross continued to shout.

“Be quiet,” I told Ross “Hello?”

“Hi, is this a bad time?” Hearing his voice sent shivers down my spine.

“No No- its just Ross being Ross. Where have you been all night, I’ve been trying to get you.” I got right to the point.

“I know I had a few things to look after that just ran too late.”

“Ok , can you be anymore vague?” 

“I’m sorry-I’m just not a liberty to say anything.”

“I get it-I suppose.” I didn’t really want to get it but what was I going to do, start accusing him of cheating and then maybe he might break down and tell me what it is I know he’s keeping from me. 

“So I was thinking, well hoping that I could see you?” he asked.



“Now? It’s almost 11.30.”

“Yeah…so?” he answered.

“Yeah I guess your right. I’ll see you at my house in 20 minutes.”

*Twenty minutes later*

I get to my house and Dylan is there already leaning against his car- smiling that devilish grin I’ve come to love.

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