Chapter 3- Hawaii We Are Here

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Katie's (POV) 

*16 Hrs Later*

Me and Cameron get off the plane and rent a rental car right away. I look like crap because I was wearing sweats and a tank top but I did not care really. I mean I was traveling. Anyway Cameron gets a red jeep and we drive to our hotel in that one. We go to a hotel in Kauai called Tropical Dream Inn. It looked really nice too. The hotel was surronded by so many trees, palm, fruit, and many different colorful trees. It had a fountain in the middle as well. We go inside the hotel and Cameron checks in right away. 

"OMG IT IS CAMERON DALLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I hear a buch of girls scream.

"Run!" Cameron tells me and we run to a elevator that took us to our room. 

"Cameron do they all ways do this?"

"ya" Cameron said putting his head down.

"Why are you sad, something wrong?" I ask

"Well... I love all my fans, but I wanted you to have the time of your life" Cameron said

"I am babe" "I love everything you do for me and I love you" I say hugging him

"Thanks Katie"

Then we here a knock on our door and it was the security who worked at the hotel. I open the door and I ask them what they wanted.

"All the girls are in their rooms and some are out of the hotel so you may enjoy your time here" he says walking away with a walkie-talkie.

"Ok... Thanks" I say wondering with what was going on with him.

"Wonder what was that about?" Cameron asked

"I don't know" I say and we go downstairs to the pool.

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