Carter spoke up first. "Well you probably shouldn't have told her she looks like a sloth."

Ethan gave him an incredulous expression. "Sloths aren't that bad—" Emmett slapped his hand over his mouth, preventing him from getting anymore drinks or food thrown on him as Rebecca turned around waiting for him to finish his sentence.

Ethan yanked Emmett's hand off and glared at Rebecca but quickly regained himself.

"Fight me." He said pretending to pounce and Emmett tried containing his laughter.

Ethan got over it quickly and laughed also, Rebecca glaring at the two.

Ethan was mid-way taking off his wet shirt when Carter stopped him. He pointed at all the girls staring at Ethan in anticipation, which caused him to smirk and lifted it higher. He quickly pulled it down and laughed.

"Ha-ha tricked you guys, you dirty freaks." He said.

Riley laughed in front of me, unable to hold it in. Carter looked over, hearing her loud burst of laughter and she quickly stops and bends down so she's out of his view.

But now he's looking directly at me.

The boy's looked over too and I grabbed a menu, covering my face from their eye-interrogation. Riley looks up at me mouthing 'holy shit' and I look at her out of the bottom of the menu as her face was pressed onto the table.

I check and they're talking again, their attention off of us and I mention to Riley that it's safe.

"As you can tell, Carter is the serious one but he isn't the scariest, that's a hundred percent Nathan. Austin is another Ethan basically and Emmett is the only normal one. They're all intimidating when they want to be though, one time at Austin's basketball game, our rival school I guess you could call them, started a fight with Austin and the boys all pounced, it was a bloody mess." She whispered hurriedly hoping no one was listening.

"Oh and there was the football game incident, and the soccer game incident, then the party incident—" I cut her off abruptly.

"What were they fighting for?"

"They never fought over the game or anything, they have personal issues with the guys from Region High, they go way back I've heard. But again, I've only heard these things so I don't really have an opinion on them or what they do. I'm sure they have their reasons because they aren't too keen on having the attention on them either which is shocking since they're always the centre of attention." She finishes and looks back at I'm assuming Emmett but I look at the girl come over with our food. The food looking freshly made.

She smells the fresh food and whips back, awning at the amount of food she ordered.

"I'll be back, she didn't give us tissues." I get up and go through the line of people, the waitress sees me and asks if there's a problem, to which I just simply pointed to the tissues since she probably wouldn't be able to hear me with most of the school in here now and talking loudly.

She hands me some and I turn around attempting to get back to my table. As I'm going through the tables, I tripped on one of the chair legs and stubbled but hit someone's shoulder by accident.

"Oh, I'm sorry—" I look up to see deep brown eyes and a cheesy smile.

"It's okay, love." I stood there awkwardly nodding at the handsome boy in front of me. "I'm Austin, and you are?" Oh, the fourth gang member.

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