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Thalia Lively

I sat in the living room, completely ready to go, unlike Nathan and Riley. Nathan still hasn't come downstairs and Riley had left to go change her outfit, not to mention we also had like five minutes left before we had to go meet up with the boys. I changed into black leggings and a grey crop top, with a denim oversized jacket on top. I decided to go the 'simple and comfy but still cute' look.

I huffed as I waited on the couch, looking around the living room since my eyes couldn't help but wonder. I haven't really been around the house much, which is weird since I live here, but I'm usually in the kitchen, my room or at school. I stood up and walked around, looking at paintings and decorations. I stopped at the fireplace and picked up a framed picture that caught my eye, it was of Nonna and my grandpa, someone I never met because he passed away before I was born. I admired the picture silently, smiling at the way he looked at Nonna— with such adoration and love. I set it down gently then moved onto the next picture, pausing slightly once I saw it was a picture of my brother and I. The resemblance was uncanny, both of us having light brown hair, hazel eyes, slight freckles, slight dimples. So many similarities, we could've easily been mistaken as twins if he wasn't older.

"You're leaving?" I heard Nonna's voice from behind me and I turned around go look back at her.

"Yeah, we're going to the movies. Is that okay with you? If not, I can stay home, it's really not a problem." I said to her, knowing that if she needed me around I could easily just stay home.

"No, you can go." She brushed me off but she looked extremely tired which made worry spiral in me.

"Are you sure Nonna? You look tired, I could stay." I offered again.

"Yes I'm sure, I'm just tired. I've been going around all day but I'll be fine. Go have fun." She smiled at me and the worry settled slightly.

"Okay, but please rest." I said to her, giving her a hug and she waved me off as she hugged back then walked off. I stood in the living room for a couple more seconds before I had enough and went up the stairs to see if the princess was done getting ready. I made it up the long set of stairs pretty quickly since I continued to skip a step. I noticed the washroom he was using was empty now, so where did he wonder off to?

I saw my room door open and I walked to it, seeing him standing in front of my mirror as he tried fixing his wet hair. I chuckled when he huffed as just let it droop down his forehead. He turned around and narrowed his eyes at me.

"What's so funny, huh?" He said while crossing his arms over his chest and I avoided looking at his biceps that poked through the shirt.

I didn't respond, instead I just walked to my bathroom and took my blow drier, bringing it to my desk and plugging it in. I pulled my chair to face him and patted it, indicating for him to take a seat.

"Welcome to Thalia's hair salon, please take a seat." I said trying to be professional but screwed it up once he started laughing at me. I laughed along with him and he followed my orders and took a seat. I turned on the blow drier and started helping him with his wet hair. He had curly hair so I continued to scrunch pieces of his hair as I dried it, wanting to maintain the curls. He sat down on the chair calmly and he hummed as I switched off the drier and started to fix his hair so it wasn't a mess.

"I love it when people play with my hair, well I never let anyone touch my hair except my sisters but I still love it." He said as I continued styling his hair.

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