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MERRY CHRISTMAS— to everyone who celebrates it and if you don't, I still wish you an amazing day! I love you all, and this is my present to you guys: a continuous amount of chapters coming your way!

Love you all individually.
- Tessa

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Nathan Reyes

I gripped my phone tightly in my hand, holding it up to my ear until I heard the beep that signalled the voicemail was done. Without a second thought I chucked the phone across the room, ultimately making it shatter into pieces when it made contact with the wall.

"Do I want to know?" Darren asks as he walked into his office, stopping to look down at the broken phone beside his feet.

"Let me leave." I demanded, disregarding his question without a second thought.

"Am I holding a gun to you head? Forcing you to stay? The doors right there." He replies coolly, walking past me and to his desk.

"You know what I mean." I growled.

"Yeah, and I also know the second you walk out that door alone, angry and vulnerable, a bullet would go straight through your head." He didn't bother looking at me as he searched through files on the shelves behind his desk.

"How do you know that Victor has more people on the outside? Other than Colt, who's currently back home tormenting my friends." I pointed out another reason as to why I should be with them.

"Remember Keller?" He asks while once again, not bothering to look at me; clearly uninterested. Before I could respond he continued. "He just got out four days ago, but not before I had these pictures sent to me." He quickly opened his desk drawer and set out pictures on his desk for me to take.

"Keller with Victor." I analyzed the pictures of Keller with Victor in the prison courtyard. "They were in the same prison; the prison Victor specifically requested." I put two and two together.

"I had someone dig deeper into their... friendship." He struggled to find the word that would explain their connections to each other. "Turns out before either of them were caught for their crimes and thrown into prison, they worked together. When Victor was working for me, I found records of Keller visiting the club quite often. That and the video proof I have of them tag teaming in murdering my employees." He said so calmly that no one would've ever thought he was affected by this.

"Wait what?" I questioned, like any normal human would.

"Moral of the story, Keller's out and I'm sure they're still partners in crime, hence the last two pictures." He pointed out and I flipped through them to find one picture of Keller outside of our high school, and one of him following my car.

"He's onto us." I concluded, realizing that Darren's right. "Even in prison he's one step ahead, that bastard." I dropped the pictures onto his desk.

"Not exactly..." Darren started off of by saying but then trailed off until he pulled out the file I'm assuming he was searching for this entire conversation. He flipped through it until he landed on something that peaked his interest. "Keller is an efficient man, two days after he got out, he changed his name. Legitimately made a new identity for himself, which was wise on his part but after having Lincoln track his every move since he got out..." he slid the file to me and I scanned the paper until I landed on a name.

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