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His name was Lachlan, but he called himself The Scientist. He was the smartest and the most knowledgeable among all the other braniacs out there. He was strong, he was vicious, he was indestructible.

It wasn’t until he discovered the new species that he realized the true meaning of destruction. It wasn’t until he discovered the beasts that he realized it was his duty to get rid of them all. It was going to be a suicide mission, but hell, he would die just to make sure that every single one of them was dead, eliminated completely from the earth’s surface.

“Those who bring destruction will die a painful death.”

Those were the words of his poor grandfather who died in a hunting accident-his partner who thought that he was a deer, shot him three times in the heart. It was a merciless and painful death, alright.

Lachlan hated his grandfather-he was like the king of all kings, which was what Lachlan hated the most about him. He was fine and well-known, a man higher than any class of human beings, well-respected, and looked up to.

The day his grandfather died, Lachlan was thrilled. He was thrilled that he wouldn’t have to bear with all the unnecessary nagging, that he would have more time in his hands. He was happy the destroyer of his supposedly wonderful life was rid of, this time for good.

All destroyers should be rid of. Those who bring destruction and cause pandemonium should be killed. There would be no mercy. No mercy to those who destroy, no mercy to those to threaten the lives of others. There was only one solution, and that was to wipe them out of existence.

All of them.


“Sir, we have captured three more.”

He turned at the sound of his assistant’s voice. “Very good,” he rubbed his rough hands together. “Bring them to me.”

The metal doors burst open as three men were dragged into the cavern. One of them- dark-haired and insane-looking, was cursing violently, his face distorted with anger.

“What’s the matter?” Lachlan placed the syringe filled with a grimy green liquid down on the steel table, and began to approach the three men. “Feeling a little down today?”

“Who the hell are you?” the dark-haired man yelled, breathing heavily. “What do you want?”

“I want nothing from you,” Lachlan said coolly. He folded his arms in front of his chest. “I simply want to destroy you.”

“What makes you think you can do that?” the golden-haired one spat. “Who are you?”

“Young one, it might be a little hard for you to understand,” Lachlan teased, a crooked smile on his face. “You see, I know. I know what you three are.”

The smile on his face grew wider when he saw their expressions. “I know what you are,” Lachlan repeated. “And it is my duty to kill the three of you. Right here, right now.”

“You can’t do this to us,” the third man shouted. He was shorter than the other two, and had a tattoo of a panther’s eye at his forearm. “You know we’re stronger than you.”

“Not for long,” Lachlan sneered, and with a whip of his arm, something flew out of his hand, and embedded itself into the side of the man’s neck.

“What the hell!” he slapped his throat, as if he had been stung by a bee. “What was that?” his eyes were wide.

Lachlan shrugged, and snapped his fingers.

“Boom," he whispered under his breath.

The man blew apart, covering the entire cavern with blood, flesh and bone.

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