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"We can't's all over...There is no way...No way...It is too late...We're going to die here..."

Raphael opened his eyes, blinked at the sunlight that came in through the gaps of the window. Where the hell was he? What had that Jayden guy done to him?

"We can never escape...Once they've got us...There is no way out..."

Who the hell was that? Whoever that was, he sounded creepy.

Raphael frowned, and sat up, his elbows supporting his weight. What the hell was this place? His eyes scanned the place warily. He was in some sort of prison cell, with stones lining the walls and floors.

And what was that dreadful smell? It smelled like something had died in here.

"We cannot escape this place...they won't let us out...they won't let us go..." there was a raspy voice coming from somewhere close by. He wasn't alone, he realized as he turned his head to look at the speaker. Someone was in the exact same cell as him, someone possibly insane, from the way he was smiling dreamily at the ceiling.

"Who...who are you?" Raphael stammered, backing away from the old man. His heart seemed to burst out of his chest when he noticed that the man had only one arm, and one leg. "What...what happened to you?"

"No way to escape...There is no more hope to live...We will die in here..." the weird-looking, crazy-eyed man ignored him. "No" he was singing to himself. Raphael's heart began to beat rapidly. This man was freaking him out.

"Mister..." Raphael tried to compose himself. The old man looked so disfigured, so tortured, and so miserable that Raphael was afraid of him, afraid that he might snap and attack the one thing that was in the same enclosed space-himself. "Mister..."

"Here to die...There is no way of getting out...Seven years has been a long time..." he was muttering. Raphael didn't think that he had seen him there. "Those evil people...creatures of hell..."

"Mister?" Raphael tried again, louder this time.

The old man jerked, as if he had been zapped by lightning. Raphael jumped a little at his abrupt reaction. And then, as if he had just been brought to reality from a land far away, he trained his bloodshot eyes on Raphael.

"Who are you?" he bent a little to study the frightened-looking young man sitting with his back against the wall about two feet away. "What are you doing here?"

One moment this man had been singing to himself like some sort of lunatic, and the next moment he had just snapped, and all the craziness seemed to have left him. In that moment, Raphael had a thought that maybe, just maybe...he was normal.

"I...I'm not sure what I'm doing here, but..." Raphael started to say.

"Answer the question!" the old man flared up. "Who are you?"

"I...I'm Raphael," he answered timidly.

A peculiar expression crossed the insane man's face. His eyes opened wide, and so did his mouth. He crawled sluggishly towards Raphael, like some sort of two-limbed zombie. He seemed pretty darn surprised at what Raphael had said.

"Raphael?" his voice turned into a hoarse whisper. "Is that really you?"

"I...My name is Raphael," Raphael said again.

Why did this man react so suddenly at the sound of his name? Who was this old man, really?

Raphael watched as the man edged closer, and sat right in front of him. He was studying Raphael, tilting his head to the left, and right. God, this was weird.

HUNT, OR BE HUNTEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें