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Near Devin's Hotel Room Door

Camry: *hearing Drew and Jaden talking to Dance with a stethoscope and laughing* This will be better than watching Scary Movie 1 and 2!!!!

Butcher: *whispers* Pssst! Camry!

Camry: *continuing hearing conversations with the stethoscope* Oooooh!

Brady: Camry.

Camry: *continuing what he is doing and jumping up and down* Yeeeyabadabadooo!!!!!!!

Marcus and Dorian:  *take the stethoscope off of the door* CAMRY!!!

Camry: *screaming of pain due to Marcus and Dorian yelling through the stethoscope* Oweee!!! My ears hurt thanks to you both!!!

Butcher: Dude, you were eavesdropping. And eavesdropping is no good for your soul. *puts hand on Camry's shoulder*

Brady: We might as well go rehearse for our first live for 15 minutes and then go out to watch a movie, does this sound cool to you.

Tr5ble: Yeah.

Dorian: I heard two dudes singing in their high pitched voices in one of the hotel rooms.

Marcus:  And it is coming from Devin's room; and the two boys are singing a song performed by a female artist.

Drew and Jaden (Draden): *singing Mother Earth by Banks in the room*


Drew and Jaden: *singing "Mother Earth" by Banks*

Devin and Chance: *looking at one another, embracing, and then kissing in front of Draden for the first time*

Draden and Dance: *hears the knock from Camry, opens the door*

Camry: My OTP!!!!!

Dorian and Marcus: *screaming like a scared professor who just saw a rodent*

Butcher: We need have a dude meeting. 

Brady: In fact, all fifteen of us need to have a dude meeting.

J-Hype: *beatboxes*

Sergio: *screaming in profanity en el Espanol*

Bloom: *shakes his head*

Michael Conor: You both done fucked up now!

Miles: Dudes, I am shocked of your behavior.

Mikey: I can't believe your friendship is full of secrets, dude. Just like Gretchen Weiner's hair.

Jaden and Drew: Your hair is full of secrets, too, Mikey. And Miles, I am shocked that you orchestrated the meeting.

Dance: *look at one another with fear*

To be continued 

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