Endless love

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3rd person POV
Jeff and Toby's love grew and grew over the years they were together. Though they never aged to the agreement with Zalgo, they loved each other just the same. Masky became open to the idea of being gay and even encouraged it now. Although he will often complain about being woken up at night by... moaning ;). BEN and Jeff also became open to the idea and even started dating too! Slender was fine with it but Sally always questioned why 2 guys were in love with each other. But what can I say, a persons a person, no matter what race, gender or age. Toby began to forget more and more of his past unfortunately. He forgot about his mother, sister, and even his father! Slender thought it was good so he didn't have to remember the horrid memories. Jeff on the other hand always tries to help Toby remember because e believes that memories help show who you are. Unfortunately Toby did get depressed when he was forced to kill his mother. Although he didn't remember who she was, he felt a strange connection with the lady. Ever since he's felt an overwhelming sadness and anger run through his body almost all the time. Jeff does help him through it though and Toby's getting better. Jeff has come to his senses and is fine knowing that his brother Lui is in heaven safe and sound.
Jeff always bought he was a tough guy who would never fall in love, and then he met Toby. And he found his
Soft spot.

Soft Spot (TicciTobyxJeffTheKiller)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora