Kills are ok

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Jeff's POV
I Knew Toby was hiding something from me. Someone, or something it bothering him. It's been about a week since he came here. He's been training extra hard every training day, like running an extra mile, or doing more reps and stuff. I asked him why, but he doesn't answer. He doesn't even talk anymore. He's shyer than Hoodie! Tonight I'm bringing him on his first mission. We have to kill a family of 3. Toby and I still share a room, and he barely ever sleeps. When he does he has nightmares, apparently there really bad, cause he'll cry and scream for an hour. I will usually sit on his bed and try and calm him down. I would hug him and play with his hair, and it seems to calm him down. Toby's really cute whenever he gets his hands on some sugar. He will bounce off the walls if he ate one little speck of sugar. It's adorable! Over the last week I've begun to have a crush on him. He is very sweet and adorable and has a good personality. His dad was a real dick though, why would he hurt such an innocent kid. I don't think Toby even knows what sex is! That's my point, he's an innocent teen who just needs love. His little button nose is so adorable, I just wanna kiss it! Right now I'm in our room trying to calm Toby down, he fell asleep and had another nightmare. He calmed down enough where his cries turned to sniffles.
"Are you ok now?" I asked with a warm smile. He nodded slowly and cuddled into me. Normally I would push them away, but something felt different here, and I liked it. So I pulled him in closer to a tight hug.
"Toby, who's bothering you so much?" I asked as I stuffed my face in his fluffy brown hair. He smelt of waffles and fire, oddly.
"B-BEN a-a-and Lj k-k-keep making f-f-fun o-of me, and b-beating me u-up." He said shyly. I can't believe BEN would do something like that. He's usually quite nice, a little pervert though.
"It'll be ok Toby. I won't let them hurt you anymore." I said.
"T-thank y-y-you. B-but I s-shouldn't have t-told you. T-t-they a-are always l-listening. T-they w-w-will know I-I told you." Toby said sadly.
"It's ok Toby. I'm your friend, and friends don't let other friends get hurt." I said sweetly. I can't believe I'm actually being nice to Toby.
"Y-you are m-my f-f-friend? I-I've never h-h-had a f-friend before." Toby said. I smiled warmly.
"Wanna go downstairs and get a snack?" I asked, he nodded his head. We got up and walked out of the door and downstairs. We made our way to the kitchen an saw Masky there.
"Sup Masky." I said.
"Hey Jeff. Hey Tobes, how you you doing?" He asked Toby.
"I-I'm o-o-ok I guess." Toby said as he wrapped his arms around himself. Masky looked worried.
"It happens all the time Mask." I said sadly. I went and hugged Toby. He hugged back and I rubbed his back. Toby really loves hugs for some odd reason. I let go and went to the refrigerator. I got out some waffles and made us some. Toby smiled as he saw the waffles. He skipped over to me and locked his lips.
"You like waffles a lot, don't cha?" I asked. He nodded his head fast. I chuckled and so did Masky, who was eating cheesecake. I have Toby his plate and he went running to the dining room.
"So... what's with the kid?" Masky asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"You like him. Don't you?" Masky asked with a smirk.
I sighed and nodded my head. He chuckled and left the kitchen after saying:
"Good luck!"
Toby's POV
Jeff is so sweet to me. I don't know why, but he's not as sweet to the others as he is to me. I like his affection towards me, like all the hugs and the way he plays with my hair. The only other people who ever gave me a hug, would be Lyra or sometimes, mom. Jeff reminded me of Lyra, he was sweet and actually cared about me. I really like him, but we're just friends. He came into the dining room after me.
"After food, we have to go on your first mission." He said with a smile.
"O-ok." I said as I took a bite of my waffles.
"We have to kill a family of 3." Jeff said. KILL!?!? KILL!?! We have to kill people. I nearly chocked on my waffles.
"I know what you're thinking. But we only kill bad people, plus we are killing them because Ej eats human Kidneys, and we need to
get him some." Jeff said with a smile.
Wait... who's Ej?
"U-umm... who's E-Ej?"  Asked as my tics became worse.
"Oh! You haven't met Eyeless Jack yet? He's just another one of us. You can meet him after our mission." Jeff said. Oh yeah.... the mission. I don't want to kill people that much.
"The guys name is Marcus Fayer, and then we must kill his family." Jeff said. Marcus Frayer... sounds familiar. Wait. Isn't that the name of that guy who made up the name Ticci Toby. Oh hell no, he gonna die tonight!
"I'm gonna fucking beat his ass to the ground and rip out his organs and decorate his house with them!" I yelled without ticking or stuttering.
"What the heck man! Where'd that come from?" Jeff asked surprised because of my outburst.
"That bastard was one of my bullies from school. He gonna die tonight, and his blood will be on my hands." I said venom dripping from every word. I have sudden outburst like that because I have Bipolar Disorder. I'm not easy to talk to, therefor I don't talk much. I might say something rash, or unforgivable sometimes. People don't understand me sometimes, I have to many disorders. It usually takes a lot to get me mad though because I'm a naturally calm person. Some outburst are so bad, that's why I killed my father. I was angry... so angry.
"I-I'm g-g-gonna go g-get r-ready." I said as I rubbed my hand against my face. Jeff started petting my head and I started to pure and move my head into his hand. He giggled a little bit. It was adorable. He stopped and I got up to go get ready for our mission, when I ran into BEN.
"Hey twitch! I heard you talking to Jeff this morning. Remember what I told you! I said that if you told anyone Lj and I would beat you even worse than before!" BEN said as he pushed me down. This is why I was training harder, so I could fight off if BEN tried something. But it doesn't work, I'm still very scrawny and weak.
"J-j-Jeff s-said that h-he was m-my f-f-friend." I said quietly.
"He isn't your friend Toby! He doesn't like you! No one does!" BEN yelled. I just got up and ran away to my room. I went to the closet and got out my usual blue hoodie and brown and green Hoodie(?). I put on my black turtle neck before putting on the blue hoodie, then my brown hoodie. I looked into the mirror and took off my mask. It's so ugly. Gosh, who could ever love something this disgusting! I sighed and put it back on. I grabbed my hatchets and headed downstairs. I waited by the door for Jeff to come. I waited for 10 minutes until he finally came. I stood up and he smiled. We walked out the door and towards town. I just wanted this guy dead, I don't care how. We walked for about 3 more hours before we finally made it to town. We walked up to a relatively small house. It was a dark green with stone on some of the outside walls. We climbed through an open window and went up into the first bedroom. It was Marcus and his girlfriends room. They were cuddling, he doesn't deserve happiness. I killed the women with one sling of my axe as Jeff went to take out the kid. I moved onto the guy. I woke him up with a hard punch to the face.
"What the hell?!" He yelled.
"Oh Marcus... don't you remember your good old friend Toby?" I asked without shuddering.
"T-ticci Toby?! I didn't mean all those things!!! It was all a joke! I'm sorry!" He yelled.
Goes the clock,
The last words they said was 'I'm sorry'" I said creepily as I swung my axe down to his neck, chopping his head off clean. I looked at his lifeless body, before continuing to chop at the pile of flesh and bones in front of me. I continued until I felt someone pull me off of the body. I called down and realized it was Jeff.
I looked down at the corpse, before spitting on it and walking out of the house, Jeff followed.
"You're a pretty good killer." Jeff said with a warm smile.
"N-No I'm n-not. M-m-my technique i-is bad and so are my a-a-angles." I stuttered out. He sighed and we continued to walk. Jeff suddenly stopped.
"What's w-wrong?" I asked worriedly
"I heard something." He said plainly. That's when I saw a grotesque creature behind Jeff. It looked demonic. It growled and leaped at Jeff. I pushed Jeff away before the creature could hit him, and it hit me instead. Jeff got out his kk off and the creature went running away. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I looked down at my chest to see a bloody sight of flesh and you could faintly make out my rib bones. Jeff ran over to me as my vision started to fade.
"TOBY! Toby, stay awake!" Jeff yelled as he ran through the woods holding me bridle style. I tried my best to keep my eyes open, but failed as my sight turned to darkness.
Jeff's POV
I ran through the fires towards the mansion. Toby was fading slowly so I had to hurry. We finally made it to the mansion when I burst through the door. Everyone looked at us in surprise.
"SLENDER! HELP HIM!" I yelled as Slender teleported in front of me. He took Toby out of my hands and teleported away.
-Time skip 2 hours-
I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.
"It's all my fault Toby's hurt! All I had to do was make sure he wouldn't get hurt! STUPID MOTGER FUCKING RAKE!" I yelled as I put my face in my hands.
"He'll be ok Jeff. He just needs some rest. Ej and Slender fixed him up." Masky said as he put a hand on my shoulder.
"He's awake if you want to see him." Masky said again. I nodded my head and walked to Ej's infirmary. I heard Toby talking to Ej. I walked in and sat down next to Toby's bed. He looked at me and smiled.
"You're an idiot, you know that right?" I said with a small smile.
"I-i didn't w-w-want y-you t-to die. I-i f-f-figured if o-one of u-u-us was g-going to die, i-it should b-be me. I-I c-c-couldn't feel I-it anyways." Toby said as his voice cracked slightly.
"In just happy you're ok." I said happily. He smiled wider.
"Ok Toby, you are free to go!" Ej said as if he was in prison. Toby chuckled as he got up slowly. I helped him out of the room and into the living room. Masky, Hoodie, BEN, Sally and BEN were in the room. Everyone looked at Toby. He was shirtless with a bunch of bandages going around his torso and back.
"Hey Tobes! You ok now?" Hoodie asked.
"Eh... c-could b-b-be better. I- just g-g-glad t-that I g-got hit, I-instead of J-Jeff." Toby said, and I smiled.
"I- c-c-couldn't f-feel it a-anyways." He mumbled under his breath. I chuckled and helped him to the couch. He sat down and I left to the kitchen when I heard yelling.
"EJ! EJ! HE'S BLEEDING AGAIN! THE BANDAGES ARE FALLING!" I heard Masky yell. I ran back into the living room to see Ej helping Toby on the couch.
"Just calm down Toby. You'll be ok. I just need to put on more bandages and stitch it back together." I heard Ej say. I looked over Ej's shoulder and saw Toby bleeding like before, just not as much. I held his hand as Ej stitched his torso back up, even if it didn't hurt him. Ej was finally done.
"There we go. Try not to walk to much until tomorrow." Ej said as he left the room.
"T-thanks J-Jeff." Toby said quietly. I squeezed his hand and kissed his forehead, as he quietly fell asleep. I smiled before falling asleep, still holding Toby's hand.

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