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My loved ones went away
Only strangers come to stay
This is not a dream, but a nightmare
That became reality.
Those I held so dearly
We're taken away from me.
Those little things I took for granted.
Of precious moments, Way back When.
Are all I have to cling too.
They never seemed important then.
The dream, we dream together.
Are like footprints, in the sand.
He winds of change have swept them away.
No trace can now be found.
I'm living now in silence.
With only Echo's from the past.
Voices in the distance.
From a heaven that's so vast.
Yes my dream became a nightmare.
The hands of time are stiff.
Although memories will never fade.
And I know they never will.
~John Read August 2012
Toby's POV
Slender still won't tell me about Zalgo. I'm curious and want to know why he wants me. I'm gonna ask him to get me, I want to see what he's all about.
'Hello again, Toby.'
He greeted in my head.
"Hi... I thought about what you said. I was wondering if you could bring me to where you live. I want to see what you do and such." I said out loud. I was in my room so no one could here me.
'Of course my child!'
I nodded.
-time skip!!!-
It was 8 o'clock at night and I have been sitting in my bed all day.
'I'm here. Meet me in the woods.' He said and I nodded. Before I could do anything my body's started moving. I walked downstairs and through the house. I got questions like, 'where are you going?' From others. I didn't answer. I walked out of the mansion and it the forest. I walked for about an hour more until I started hearing a weird noise. An odd looking demon type creature appeared in front of me.
"Are you Zalgo?" I asked.
"Yes child." He said out loud.
"Come with me child." He said again. I walked closer to him and he put a hand on my shoulder
'Toby, where are you?" Slender's voice Boone din my head. I didn't answer. I looked straight at the demon in front of me. He took my hand and led me through the forest. Before I knew it we were at another mansion. It looked very old and creepy. Yet I continued towards the mansion.
"This is my house child." He said. It was quite magnificent. It was large and beautiful yet scary.
"It's beautiful." I said with wonder.
He nodded. We walked into the large house and my eyes went wide at the magnificent sight in front of me.
"I've been watching you for a long time Toby. When the fire happened, I was going to take you as my proxie, but Slenderman beat me to it." He said angrily.
'Toby! Where are you? You've been gone for hours!" Slender said again in my head.
"Slender's asking where I've been." I said to Zalgo.
"Don't worry my child, you won't be under his control anymore." He said. I was confused. I just wanted to see what he wanted from me.
"What do you mean? I'm going back after my visit." I said. He looked kinda angry.
"My child, you aren't leaving." A sudden wave of realization hit over me. I wasn't going back to Slender without a fight.
"Unfortunately, I wasn't prepared for your arrival. I will pick you up in 3 days." Zalgo said before teleporting me back home. He left me with my eyes wide. I walked into the mansion and into the dining room. I sat down and began to eat slowly. I didn't say as a word.
"Toby, where did you go? You didn't answer when I asked." Slender said sternly.
I stayed silent.
"Toby. Where. Did. You. Go?" He questioned again. I can't tell him or I'll be in trouble. My breathing picked up as everyone stared at me. I'm so fucking stupid. I sighed, I've got nothing to lose.
"I was with Zalgo at his mansion." I said plainly.
"Why were you there?" He asked angrily.
"Because... I'm moving to his mansion." I said in defense.
"No you're not!" He said. I ran out of the room and put the front door. I was so angry. I can make my own decisions! I forgot about everything for a minute. I forgot about Jeff, and Slender, and everything. I just ran. I realized what I was doing, so I stopped running and looked around. I was in the middle of the woods. I heard a buzz In my pocket. It can't be. A text? That's the first time I have ever gotten a text... from anyone. It was from Jeff.
It read.
'Hey Babe. I'm coming out to look for you. Stay where you are if you are lost. I love you."
I texted back.
"I am lost... please help me. I love you too." He sent a heart. I sat down and realized that I was in a part of the forest that I've never seen before. It was odd. Different trees, different plants. I got up and decided to find my way back to the mansion.
-time skip-
It's been 3 hours and I think I'm even more lost than before. I'm walking along a highway right now. I need help. It's winter now and I think it's cold. I can't tell cause of my CIPA, but I can see my breath.
"Jeff. I'm scared. I don't know where I am." I texted to him.
"Slender's helping to look Babe. Do you know where you are?" He asked.
"No. I'm by a highway though." I texted plainly. He didn't answer. I sat with my back against a tree. I was so scared. I wanted Jeff to hold me and comfort me. A tear came down my face as I realized what a problem I am for everyone. I walked a little farther into the woods and laid down. The voices started again and I couldn't take it.
'End it all'
The voices continued until I was sobbing. My eyes started getting droopy as it started snowing. There's nothing else to do... but say goodbye.
Jeff's POV
It's been a while now and everyone started searching for Toby. It was extremely cold outside and everyone was bundled up. We had to get to Toby before the cold got to him. He doesn't know how cold it really is. He said he was by a highway, so we started heading towards town. Slender was teleporting all over the place as everyone else looked for him. We called his name and split up. Finally we found the highway Toby was talking about. We walked South for awhile until we saw Toby's hand from behind a tree. We ran to it, only to see a half frozen Toby. He was barely breathing! My eyes went wide. I was wearing 2 other jackets so I took off my sweatshirt and put it on Toby. I picked him up as Slender teleported is back to the mansion. He was freezing and barely moving. I set him in front of the fire with many blankets and a warm wash cloth. I laid down with him and snuggled him, my poor baby.
Toby's POV
The only thing I remember was falling asleep against some tree. I opened my eyes slightly to see that I was in front of a fire. My eyes widened as I stared into it. It reminded me of the fire that I started when I ran away. My breathing picked up and I started hyperventilating. An episode was bound to happen at this point. My vision started getting blurrier as I started sweating. I could feel the presence of other people in the room. I didn't move, I couldn't. I just stared at the orange flames as the episode started.
The vision started.
I was running through my neighborhood letting gasoline spill behind me. I spilled it everywhere and lit it. I was surrounded by the flames. I wanted to die so I didn't move. I fell to my knees and felt something weird on the side of my face. I felt my cheek, only to find that there was no cheek. Just my teeth. I knew I was going to die. I started to cry as I apologized to my mother for what I've done to her.
The traumatic experience ended and I went back to reality. I was crying. I looked down to see a hand around my waste. I turned around to become face to chest with Jeff. He was asleep. I poked his chest and he started to stir.m until he finally woke up. He seemed really happy.
"Toby! You're awake!" He said happily. I nodded and smiled. He sat up and so did I.
"What happened?" I asked while Jeff hugged me.
"You nearly froze to death Toby. I thought I was going to lose you. I chuckled.
"I'm still kicking." I joked. He looked at me and smiled. He kissed my check and I sat on his lap.
"You're pretty cold Toby," He stated.
"I always am. Even if I can't feel it." I said with a smile. He chuckled and hugged me. I giggled and hugged into his chest.
"You're just like a little kid." Jeff said with a chuckle.
"An not!" I protested.
"Oh really..." he said as he tackled me and started tickling me. (I figured out with a bit of research, that people who have congenital insensitivity to pain aren't ticklish. Before moving on, I'd like to say that they also do not sweat and can't feel different temperatures. They can feel pressure but not pain. Just thought u guys should know.)
I couldn't feel it though. I've never been tickled before. I couldn't feel anything except for his fingers. I kinda just sat there confused.
"How come you're not laughing?" He chuckled out. I shrugged.
"I couldn't feel it." I said still confused. He got out his phone and searched something up.
"Ohhhh... with CIPA you aren't ticklish." He said. I nodded and giggled.
"So, are you hungry?" He asked. I shook my head no.
"Are you sure? How bout just a snack?" He asked again. I shook my head again.
"I'm fine." I answered plainly. He looked worried but none the less headed to the kitchen. I followed behind him and he started making soup. I hugged him from behind as he turned on the stove. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. He put different seasonings and such in the pot and added a can of broth. He continued to make it as I continued to hug him.
-time skip: 2 weeks-
'He doesn't love you'
'He's going to hurt you'
'He won't care for you'
'No one will ever care for you'
'He pities you'
'You're so stupid for believing someone would love you'
'You should have died instead of Lyra'
'She didn't love you either'
'You deserved everything your dad did'
'You're just a gay retard'
Evil voices spat in my head as I lay motionless on my bed. I haven't been eating at all for that past week. No one else loves me enough to care. Only Jeff loves me, And I'm starting to think that Jeff doesn't even love me anymore. He ignores me now and has even began hitting me. I don't know what I've done wrong. I start to cry as I think more about Jeff. Suddenly my door is forced open by a pissed off Jeff.
"Get your ass downstairs, whore!" He yelled cruelty. I cried more and got up as he left the room. Why was he being so mean all the sudden? Maybe I'll ask him about it. I dried my tears the best I could, though I knew I would get questions about my red, puffy eyes. I walked downstairs and into the dining room. As I thought, I got questions but I didn't answer.
-time skip-
I got up from my uncomfortable bed and wen to the door. I went down the hall and to Jeff's room. I knocked on the door and he answered with a smile... but it faded to anger when he saw me.
"What the fuck do you want?" He asked cruelly, not knowing the damage caused by his harsh words.
"Am I not aloud to talk to my boyfriend anymore?" I asked sarcastically.
"I'm not your boyfriend. I don't love you!" He rudely said with harsh words. Tears fell down my face as he told me this.
Jeff's POV
Jane told me that Masky and Toby were dating behind my back. I've been ignoring him and being mean whenever I can because I don't want to be with a cheater.
"Just fuck off cheater! I know what you did!" I yelled. He looked confused and sad.
"What do you mean? I haven't done anything!" He said in defense.
"Stop acting dumb! Jane told me that you've been cheating on my with Masky!" I said and he looked sad still.
"And you actually believed her? Why would I cheat on you? I love you." He said as he sniffled. How could I believe Jane? He hates me. Why would I even think that? Toby looked just about ready to pass out.
"I'm so sorry." I said as I put my arms out to hug him. He flinched and fell backwards as he put his arms up in defense... as if I would hit him. He does that something because of what his dad did to him.
"I'm not going to hurt you Toby." I said with a smile. He noticed and stood up wobbly almost collapsing. My poor child. I helped him steady himself then hugged him.
"I love you so much, Toby." I said as I kissed his head sweetly.
"I love you so much. Do you know how much it hurts to be hit by someone you love? I missed you holding me." He said sadly yet sweetly.
"I know. I'm so sorry. I will never leave you again. I love you more than anything."

Soft Spot (TicciTobyxJeffTheKiller)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin