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Toby's POV
I talked to Slender about this Zalgo guy who's in my head, but he won't tell me anything. Whoever this guy is, he wants me to become his proxy. He's been trying to convince me to be on his side, and he said he'll visit me and bring me to his house. But I don't want to go. I like it here with Jeff, and everyone else. I just hope this Zalgo guy will leave my head, he's really annoying. I walked through the house just thinking, when I ran into something... or someone.
"S-sorry." I stuttered. I looked up to see a familiar white mask with black eyes and lips. He looked down at me.
"It's fine." He said plainly. Masky has always hated me. He always yells at me and tells me how much he hates me. We sat there for a minute before I started walking away. I could feel his immense stare as I walked away. After awhile, Jeff came back from a kill.
"Hey Babe!" He said enthusiastically.
"H-hi J-j-jeffy!" I said happily. We walked down the long corridor together, holding hands. Jeff's walked into his room and I followed.
"I'm gonna take a shower." He said as he went into the bathroom. I nodded and laid down on his bed. It was so comfy. Why wasn't my bed this comfy? I don't even sleep most nights, stupid nightmares keep me up. I laid happily on my boyfriends bed and thought of him. His beautiful pitch black hair, his beautiful smile and pale face. He was gorgeous and I love him so much. The belay groom door opened and revealed Jeff with only a towel around his waist. He was hot! He has a freakin 6 pack! I stared at his body as he walked over to his drawer. I continued to stare. He chuckled as he took out sweatpants, a black t-shirt and boxers. He was thinking weather to change in front of me or go to the bathroom to change, so I just covered my eyes. When he was done changing he laid down next to me and cuddled me into him. I snuggled into his chest and he chuckled. He started stroking my hair and kissing my head. I hugged him tighter and kissed his chin.
"I'm kinda hungry, wanna go get a snack?" He asked, and I nodded. He picked me up so I could wrap my legs around his back, he held me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He held me as if I was a piece of gold, and I liked it. I cuddled my head into his neck and he leaned his head on mine. He smelled nice. He smelled of lavender. Before we knew it, we were downstairs in the kitchen. Jeff put me on the counter and kissed my forehead. I smiled as he walked to the fridge.
"Want something?" He asked and I shook my head. He looked worried.
"Are you sure? You haven't eaten in 3 days." Jeff said. Has it really been that long? I haven't noticed.
"I'm good." I said. He looked at me and shook his head.
"I'm making you food. And you're going to eat it." He said sternly. I groaned. I sat down on a stool and Jeff came and sat next to me. He put a bowl of soup in front of me and continued to eat his soup. I slowly ate the soup because it was really good. After we finished we went back up to Jeff's room. I started ticking more and twitching. I knew what was coming... an episode. Before I knew it, the traumatic event of the crash played out in my head. I fell to the floor screaming and crying. Why does this happen to me? The blood. The horrible bright red substance everywhere. On my hands and face. Her body. Crushed. Bloody. Mauled. Glass stuck in her beautiful blonde hair... which is now dark red and covered in blood. Her legs crushed in and her face pale, her lips purple. Her eyes closed... never to open again. The blood that gushed out of her body seemed to move in slow motion as I scream her name, only to receive silence as a reply. The person that loved me, and cared for me. Now look at her. It's my fault. I couldn't save her. Her screams forever locked in my head. Bouncing off the walls as I lay in the hospital bed, waiting for the nurse to tell me that she's gonna be ok. Only to be met with the reality that she's gone. And won't be coming back. She's gone to sleep, and won't be waking up. She said she'd always be there for me... but she lied. The day still haunts me. Not only the day of the crash, but the day she told me that she wouldn't leave me alone. She never lied, yet she told the biggest lie. Why did she have to go? Her screams of agony make me wish I had died instead of her. I wish... I just wish... she didn't leave me. Mom said she would be with us forever even though she's dead, but she isn't here. She left. And she won't be coming back... ever. She's dead.
And then my episode ended. Leaving me on the floor crying and shaking. Jeff's trying to calm me down. Yet I can't calm down, when I know she's gone.
"Lyra..." my voice cracked out. My shaking body was picked up and carried into a room. I didn't want to open my eyes, but I did. I was in Jeff's room. He was laying on the bed and I was in his lap. He held me tight, and pet my head. I stopped crying a snuggled closer into him.
"What happened?" He asked in a sweet voice.
"I-I had a-a-an e-episode." I said sadly.
"About what? You were screaming some girls name and how she left you." He said. I was nervous to tell him, what if he thinks I'm weak.
"I-it was a-about m-my s-s-sister, L-l-l-Lyra." I sobbed out. He nodded his head. After about an hour, I could here his quiet snores. I looked up to see the sleeping face of my beautiful lover. A smile crept on my face as I cupped his cheek. He snuggled into my hand and I pet my thumb back and forth. My mouth started getting a little dry, and I felt the need for water. I slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake up Jeff. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I got a drink but on my way out of the kitchen, I ran into Masky.
"S-s-sorry." I blurted out. He tilted his head.
"Why are you so skittish? It's only me." He said.
"S-sorry, y-you just s-s-scared me." I said nervous he might yell at me.
"Why do you apologize so much?" He asked. I didn't have anything else to say, other than the truth.
"I-I didn't w-w-want you t-to hit me." I stuttered out. He looked confused.
"Why would I hit you?" He asked. He really is stupid.
"C-c-cause you h-have b-before." He looked surprised.
"Oh..." he said plainly.
"So you and Jeff are a thing?" He asked, I nodded.
"That's kinda gross." He said. What does he mean by that?
"W-what do y-you m-m-mean?" I asked. He looked me dead in the eyes.
"It's gross that you two are dating. You guys are the same gender and it's disgusting! You guys are disgusting! Go break up with him! Your relationship would have failed either way!" He scoffed.
"Gays are weak, and disgusting!" He said rudely.
(I have nothing against gays!! Half my friends r gay!!)
"S-shut up!" I said and he just chuckled.
"You know it's true! Admit it, you're a little faggot dick sucker." He said crudely.
"S-SHUT U-P!" I yelled and ran out of the room and back upstairs. Was it really disgusting to date the same gender? I was scared someone would say something like that. I walked into Jeff's room with tears streaming down my face. He was still asleep so I got into bed next to him.
"Is it ok to love you?" I asked him, though I knew he wouldn't answer. I cried myself to sleep silently, thinking about what Masky said.
Jeff's POV
I woke up to see that I was being held by my little angel, Toby. He was beautiful, in every single way. But something was off about his face, there were dried tears on his rosey red cheeks. Did he have a nightmare? Hmmm... I lightly kissed his head and hugged him while rubbing his back. He was cold. No matter how many blankets were over him, Toby would always be cold. No one ever knew why. I hugged him I tried to warm him up, and I think it worked. I love him so much. I softly kissed the back of his neck a few times and he started to stir. I looked at him and smiled. He woke up fully and smiled back, only for it to turn into a frown. I looked at him.
"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. He shook his head and hugged me tightly. I worry about him sometimes.
"I-I love y-y-you so much." He said as he hid his face in my chest. I hugged him tighter.
"I love you too, sweetheart." I said happily. I heard my stomach grumbles, which scared Toby.
"Aww... did I scare little Toby?" I asked, he chuckled. We got out of bed and walked downstairs holding hands. His hands were so small compared to mine, it was adorable. He made it to the dining room, but I saw Toby with his head down.
"Toby, what's wrong?" I whispered.
"N-nothing." He stuttered. Something is definitely wrong here.
Toby's POV (again)
I was still nervous and confused by what Masky said last night. Was it really wrong to date the same gender? What if Jeff isn't happy? What if it's all some cruel joke to make fun of me? Jeff and I sat down at the table and everyone but me started to eat. I don't like eating much, I don't know why, I just don't like it. I kept my head down low and played with my hoodie strings. I was scared to look up and see a face of disappointment or disgust.
"Toby, aren't you going to eat? The only thing you've eatin in the last 3 days is soup." Jeff said.
"I-I'm f-f-fine." I said with a smile. He nodded and went back to eating. After breakfast Jeff and I walked back upstairs. Jeff had work to do so I decided to go see if BEN wanted to play video games. BEN wasn't the nicest to me, but he wasn't always mean. I walked to his room and knocked on the door. He opened and smiled.
"Hey Toby, what's up?" He asked.
"I-I was w-w-wondering if y-you wanted t-t-to play a video g-game." I said nervously.
"Sure com on in. We can play Call of Duty." He said and I nodded. I sat down in a bean back chair with BEN next to me. After about an hour, I started to think.
"H-heh B-B-BEN. C-can I ask y-you something?" I asked and he nodded.
"I-is it g-gross, o-or wrong t-t-to date the same g-g-ended as you?" I asked. He looked surprised my my question.
"Umm... well. I have nothing against it. Some people might think it's weird, but I think it's fine. It doesn't matter what gender you are, what matters, is that you love the person." He said sweetly.
"I-is J-Jeff h-h-happy?" I asked he nodded.
"When you're out on missions, that's all he ever talks about. He loves you very much." BEN said, I smiled and nodded.
"Why would you even ask that?" He asked.
"S-someone said t-t-that I was d-disgusting, and a dick sucking faggot." I said angrily.
"Well whoever said that should be ashamed of themselves." BEN said. I got up and said goodbye to him, and walked to my room. I walked in and took a seat on my bed. I don't know who to believe. I heard the front door open and close, so I knew Jeff was home. He knocked on my door and I let him in.
(I'm getting to lazy to add stutters. Pretend plz :P)
"Hey babe." He said lovingly as he kissed my head.
"Hi." I said shyly. He pulled me into a hugged and kissed me passionately. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his around my hips. He slid his younger into my mouth and explored every inch of it. I moaned as he seeped the kiss by tilting his head. He chuckled.
"I love your sweet moans~." He said seductively.
(This shit bought to be a lemon dawg!)
We continued to kiss as his hands traveled underneath my hoodie. I raked my fingers through his hair as he pushed me to the bed. Still kissing he began to take my shirt off. I did the same to him. He moved his kisses down to my neck and chest. His search for my sweet spot was cut short when I moaned loudly. He snickered and began abusing the spot with kisses and nibbles. His hands traveled down my stomach and to my v-line. His lips traveled down my chest, leaving little bite marks. I thought about what Masky said last night. It made me sad. I pushed Jeff off and sat up and didn't face him.
"Toby? What's wrong?" He asked. I started to cry.
"Toby, what's wrong babe?" He asked again. I can't tell him, or he'll get mad, and when people get mad, they hurt others. He hugged me from behind.
"You can tell me." He said. I shook my head.
"I love you. But I can't." I said, I think he was confused.
"I'm so sorry." I apologized as I got up, and left the room. I walked to my room and fell onto my bed. I cried... and cried... and cried. My shaking body covered with blankets, shaking, breaking. I felt bad for Jeff though. I just left him. But I had to. I'm stupid for even thinking about having someone love me. No matter how hard I try, something always gets in the way of someone loving me. My body hid under the bed, blankets covering it. I took out a razor and looked at it. I dragged it across my pale arm. I looked as the red liquid sprang from its cage and leaked from my cut. I put my tongue to the liquid and licked. It was metallic, but I like it. I continued to cut and lick, tasting the delicious blood. It was warm, and I couldn't stop myself. I looked down at my arm and realized what I had done. My eyes went wide. As more blood poured from my arm I ran to the bathroom. I looked at my face in the mirror, there was blood all around my mouth. I cleaned off my face and arm and began to wrap it. When I was done I paced around my room, so much was on my mind.
I walk around these empty halls
My blood and tears dripping from the walls
My heart is crushed yet still left standing.
Stitched together, but not with love, a hatred for myself is edged into my skin. They laugh and snicker, and I try to find use.
They laugh and snickered as I prepared the noose.
I slip from my platform as their laughter grows.
The last bit of care and happiness leaves with each dying breath.
It goes to those already gay(happy)
I saw this coming... when I walked the empty halls, and watched as my blood and tears dripped from the walls... but my heart fell and crumbled under the feet of others.
So here I am, walking around these white halls. Still unable to find use, as I silently look at my body. Already hung by the neck, on a noose.
I fell back onto the floor and looked at the ceiling. What am I doing with my life?
Jeff's POV (short srry)
Toby just kinda left. I'm confused. I shrugged it off and walked out of my room and to Toby's. I opened the door and he was licking blood off his arm. I was so scared. He realized what he was doing and went to the bathroom. Then he just kinda walked around his room.
"Toby?" I questioned.
"..." no answer.
"I want to love you. But I can't." He finally said.
"Why would you think that?" I asked.
"He said I was disgusting. He said I was a faggot. I can't love someone without someone ruining it." He said sadly. I hugged him and he snuggled into me.
"Whoever said that, is wrong. You're not disgusting. All that matters is that we love each other. It doesn't matter what gender." I said and he nodded.
"I love you." He said as he kissed my cheek.
"I love you too." I said back to him. I pulled him into my lap.
"You are beautiful. Don't forget that." I said sternly. He nodded.
Toby's POV
I lashed in Jeff's arms, when that Zalgo voice came back.
'You know, he doesn't love you. No one does, but if you come to my side, everyone would love you. They wouldn't treat you badly. You'd be cared for. You'd be loved. Please think about it.' The voice finished. I don't understand this voice at all. Who is this guy? I closed my eyes and stayed in his arms. Why does no one want me to love Jeff? I love him so much. But no one thinks he loves me. I don't know who to believe.
'Die' a sudden voice boomed through my head. Only one voice. And it was loud.


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