The lockdown

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Still at Bourbon County High School as the p.o.v of Steve Mcgarrett, we just got Miss Scott into one of classrooms when they call for all of the students to get into a lockdown drill. "Why are we doing a lockdown drill for?" Asked Gabriell with a curious look on her face. "I think that Alex is near, and he might be after one of the students," said Callen. "I wonder who?" Asked Rossi. "I think that he is looking for me," replied Gabriell with a serious look on her face. "Miss Scott, now why would you think that?" I asked with a serious look on my face. "Well, if Alex took your Detective and Whitney; then Alex must be after me too," explained Gabriell. "You know what Gabriell, that might actually make sense," said Alves turning off the lights in the room as we all got into a hiding place and into positions. Gabriell Scott I know that you are in this school!" Yell Alex from outside the hallway. "Miss. Scott don't make a single sound," whisper Sam Hanna putting his gun into position to make the shot on Alex. "Oh, by the way Gabriell; I have your cousin Whitney and now I have your weird friend too with me in my arms," yelled Alex. "Ally, how did he get Ally?" Asked Gabriell in a very quiet voice. "Don't know, but this is not good at all," whisper Rossi as his gun made a cocking noise. "Ok, I'll go and be used as bait to get Alex behind bars once and for all," said Gabriell still in a quiet voice. "Are you sure about this Gabriell?" Asked Callen. "Yeah, you guys can put a tracker on me so you guys will know where I am," said Gabriell as I put the tracker in her left shoe, so Alex won't suspected it on her. "Gabriell, one more thing," said Prentiss. "Yeah, what is it?" Asked Gabriell. "Be very careful out there," I answer with a serious look. "Ok, I will," said Gabriell leave the classroom, and meeting face to face with Alex. "Good your here, so I won't have to hurt anyone; but your friend is coming with us so I can encourage you to do some stuff," said Alex as he grabbed Gabriell and her friend; and left the building. "She's gone, let's put up the tracker that we put on her," commanded JJ as Rossi pulled up the computer, and turned on and activate the tracker that we put on Gabriell before she left the room.

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