Chapter 4

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Camila's POV


It had been a week since the party and since I met Lauren. I finally researched a lot of colors and learned their names. I can finally describe Lauren and admire her whenever I talk about her to a few of my friends.

Speaking of Lauren, she didn't seem to show any changes. If color had appeared in her eyes like mine did shouldn't we be together right now? I gave Lauren my number that day after she had dropped me off at my home after leaving Y/n at her home.

I had just finished recording in the studio and was sitting on the recliner sofa when I got a text. Speak of the devil, Lauren actually texted me!

Future Wife: Hey Camila! Was wondering if you were down to go get some coffee later?

Holy fucking shit. This could be like a date. I smiled down at my phone goofily, typing out my response.

Me: Yeah, of course! Just text me the time and address and I'll meet you there!

I couldn't believe it. Lauren and I were going for coffee later! This is like a dream come true.

Future Wife: *insert address* at 6:30 sound good with you?

Me: Definitely! See you later!

Future Wife: 😘

I sighed in happiness. Soon I'd have a partner and wouldn't have to deal with my parents nagging at me on the reason why I hadn't even found my soulmate.

After laying on the sofa, smiling like an idiot for about 20 minutes I checked the time. Oh shit! I only have an hour to meet Lauren! I need to go home and make myself look presentable.

I quickly rushed out of the studio and building and jumped into my car, speeding towards my apartments, hoping to impress Lauren.


I pulled into a parking spot near the café Lauren sent me the address too. It looked old and worn down on the outside, so I was a little skeptical about it because it had seemed sketchy. As soon as I stepped inside, I was in shock. The interior of the building was actually beautiful. The dim lighting complimented the dark mahogany wood of the walls and the floor seemed to shine under the light. Shelves with books and games were hung around the walls and various plants were scattered around. The tables and chairs were all clearly clean and well taken care of and the sofas looked soft as pillows.

I heard someone shout my name and turned towards the dorection of the voice, seeing Lauren giving me her cheesy smile. For a second I was taken aback because Lauren seemed to look impeccable in whatever she wore. Her black combat boots fit in with the whole dark mysterious vibe she had going on. She had on a t-shirt that said the 1975 on it, and black skinny jeans, and of course, her signature leather jacket. I swooned on the inside and carefully made my way towards her, not wanting to trip and make a fool of myself.

As I sat down, a waitress came by and asked for our orders.

"Mmm, what do you want Camila?"

I looked at her and shook my head. "I haven't really been here, so I don't really know what to get."

"That's cool, I'll order for you!" Lauren grinned at me and my heart fluttered.

She had ordered a house coffee for herself and a vanilla bean frappe for me. As we waited we talked about random topics. Once again I was enarmored with her mind, she spoke passionately and had no problem with what other people thought of her.

Misconception (Camila/You)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin