__-Part Twenty Four-__

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*Miah's POV*Same Day*

I got out of that room as fast as I could can ran downstairs getting lightheaded in the process, I had to find Lucas and leave, I felt in that moment that I was actually gonna die. I know it's a childish thing to think but I genuinely thought that now that Kendall's done this I was gonna get hurt, I don't know about physically but I was gonna be mentally hurt somehow and I knew this because my life's always been like this I've been taught not to expect anything good out of life.

I started crying then I found Lucas,

"Hey, why are you crying?" He asks confused

"No time to explain, we need to leave," I say kind of stumbling over everything due to my lightheadedness.

"Are you drunk or something?" He asks due to me stumbling,

"No I'm just.. I need to sit, but we need to leave," I say getting worse.

"Sit down and tell me what happened!" He says demandingly.

"I-I Can't.. we need to leave," I say dragging him to the car. All of a sudden, while walking down the street to get to the car, I felt way more lightheaded than before and right after that I felt everything go numb and nothing after that. I couldn't move, and I couldn't see or hear.

Hey Chickees! Jk but I love her (if you don't get this reference we also can't be friends) but yeaaa I'm proud of this, cause it's short and you guys don't have to sit through the shit I wright😂 but hi!😂💕


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