Rubix Cube ~H2OVanoss~

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I blame my brother for this short idea

3rd Person pov

It started all because of a gift.

Evan Fong received a rubix cube as a birthday present from Craig after telling him his recent interest in the toy. This caused Evan to be over excited, resulting in Evan's attention to shift from Jonathan, his boyfriend of two and a half years, to the cube. At first, Jonathan was happy that Evan was happy, but it soon turned to Evan skipping dates so he could finally master the puzzle.

Obviously Jon was upset.

So one day when they were hanging out with their friends, and right before Evan was about to solve the rubix cube mind you, Jon took the cube away and finished it for him. Evan was beyond pissed. He had spent all day working his way through the puzzle whenever the teacher wasn't looking or whenever he had free time. Even though Jon was shorter, Evan had a pretty slow reaction.

Evan whined, "Jon, please give me back my rubix cube." Jon continued to hold the toy out of reach, "No, you spend so much time with it. It seems like you don't really pay attention to me or our friends. You haven't kept a conversation for longer than five minutes ever since you got that damn thing." Evan pouted, "That's not true." Rolling his eyes, Jon swiped the cube away once again. "Oh yeah? When was the last time we had a real date?" "Last week! We went to go get ice cream late at night." Jon put the toy in his hoodie pocket. "You cancelled because you found a new alga-rhythm and needed to have it memorized."

 "What about the time we went to that cafe across the school campus?" 

"That was a month ago."

Reality settled into Evan's mind. Depression settled in his heart. He had been avoiding his boyfriend. Jonathan knew this look and quickly broke Evan's growing sad state. "How about I make you a deal. Every time you complete the puzzle, I'll reshuffle it for you to solve again but you have to kiss me. Think of it as a toll fee."

Obviously, Evan accepted. So whenever you'd see the couple walking together, Jon would have an arm around his lover's waist, Evan's quick fingers twisting and turning the colorful cube in his hands. Once Evan solved the rubix cube, he would kiss Jon while handing off the toy to get reshuffled. Jon would mix it up again and hand it back, kissing Evan and letting his taller boyfriend go back to solving.


How's the school life for you buds? Me obviously its going meh. Sophomore year is more complicated but hey, I don't have PE anymore! I'm supposed to be doing an assignment in my English class but eh, I can do it later. Requests are coming don't worry. Anyways, peace out, stay safe, and I'll see you next time. 

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