Strings ~H2Oladd~

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Inspired by a video on YouTube. (Can't find it when I tried to include it rip)

Third Person

Have you ever wondered how you found that "special someone", like a force just randomly pushed two people together to become a couple. Or what if we all have a little strings just dangling from our finger tips and when we find that one person, they get all tangled up. Kind of like when you stick ear buds in your pocket, only to remove a giant tangled mess later when you want to use them.

In our world we can't see our strings, but in another, that's the only color that exists.


A high school student with average grades. Plays baseball with his friends Evan, Marcel, David, and his brother Luke. Wears a light blue hoodie through out the year, with either a white or light grey t-shirt underneath. Luke is a few months older and dresses in a contrasting way. Jonathan has royal blue strings connected to his pointer finger and pinkie finger on both hands. Hobbies include playing video games with his friends from the baseball team for his YouTube account, cooking, and writing during his free time.


Fellow high school student with Jonathan, but is younger by half a year. Is considered a geek by others but doesn't mind. Loves to solve riddles and program games to cheat his way through. Usually is in a group with Tyler, Bryce, and Ryan to talk about the latest gaming trends. Neon orange strings dangle from his ring and middle fingers on both hands.

Both boys knew the other existed, for they had a class together, AP Programming to be exact. (Actual class in my school) They didn't sit next to each other and never talked, except for the occasional "Hello" when they'd pass each other in the hallways. Until one fateful day, their teacher decided to give a partner project; as a final. Now funny enough, Jonathan and Craig got put in the same pair and started talking. Their final was to build and program an animal of their choice. "I think it should be a fox." Craig told the boy next to him. Said man shrugged, "As long as it has a Jason Voorhees mask, then I don't care." Jonathan started the basic sketch of their project, while Craig was busy with listing the characteristics their "pet" would have.

Over time, the duo grew closer. Even their group of friends started to hang out together, especially Evan and Tyler. One afternoon, Craig and Jonathan exited the school library excitedly discussing the progress the other has made. When they turned the corner to head towards the school entrance, there stood Evan and Tyler hungrily making out. Tyler had Evan pinned to the wall and Evan was gripping Tyler's hair as if he were to let go, he'd fall to his death. Evan's ruby red strings was a knotted mess with Tyler's snow white strings at their feet. Jonathan quickly snapped a picture, and quickly grabbed Craig to pull back around the corner causing their own strings to get lightly tangled too. Craig fixed his glasses and stared at Jon with his bright doe eyes. Hands on his hip, Craig asked, "Now why did you take a picture of our friends making out?" Jonathan replied with an evil tint in his eyes. "Ever heard of blackmail?" "Yes but they're our friends!" Craig gasped. "Delete it now!" He tried to grab the phone from the older male's hands, but because of the significant height difference, Jon just held it out of reach. Craig pouted after his fifth attempt to steal the phone, and walked away. The taller male smirked in triumph, tucked the phone away, and followed the younger boy. Their strings formed knots and tangled up even more. The duo walked in silence until the topic of their final picked up again.

The next day, Evan and Tyler held hands and proudly walked through the gate and to the conjoined group of friends. David nudged Evan, "Who started it." Evan just blushes and grips Tyler's hand tighter. Tyler takes notice, causing him to lock eye contact with David, "If he doesn't want to answer now, don't fucking push him." The red and white strings wrapped around their wrists multiple times, ending with a neat bow at the end. Jon and Craig were lost in their own world. Craig rambling on and on about something, and Jon was just admiring the ladd in front of him. Over the past month and a half, Jon had developed a special bond with the kid. Every time Craig was by his side, his world instantly got better. Their strings was a mess, draping across their chest and down to their feet. The contrast between the blue and orange was so horrid, yet enchanting. Knots littered everywhere, large and small.

It was time to present their project. The teacher had given the groups a few minutes to make sure everything was how things were supposed to be, and to make sure their work was in order. One by one, pairs of students stood up and explained their animal. Soon enough, it came to be Jonathan and Craig's turn. Both stood and walked to the front, Jon holding the notes and Craig with the remote and animal. Craig set the animal on the mini podium and their presentation started.

Jon started to explain to the class what they did, and what their fox could do. Craig on the other hand, was controlling the fox to jump around from desk to desk. Some students even pet it while it sat in front of them. When Jon was finishing up the review, Craig made the fox scurry to the pair of boys and leapt up into his arms. The class gave a huge round of applause when Craig and Jon sat back in their seats. After every presentation, their strings would weave together, wrapping around the other's fingers as it was trying to make the two hands meet.

The final bell of the day rang, releasing the students from the hell they call school and to their long-awaited winter break. (Mine's three weeks long) Just like that morning, the duo met up with their group of friends to discuss plans and when they all could hang out. David was going back to Ireland to visit family, Bryce and Ryan were just going to chill at their respective homes and play video games. Marcel was visiting his family a few miles away. Tyler and Evan are going on a date before Evan leaves for Canada to visit his family as well.

"Maybe it could be a double date." Craig murmured, thinking no one heard him. Jonathan looked at Craig, "Who would you go with? Last time I recall, you don't have a girlfriend." Craig just rolls his eyes and surprises Jon.

By kissing him on the cheek.

"This semester has been fun, see ya around Jon!" Craig walked away while waving, leaving Jon in a daze. Their strings pull Jon in the direction Craig had gone, causing him to sprint to Craig and kiss him back. Blue and orange is the only thing that they can see.

Anyways, when I talked about knots in the strings, I was trying to make each knot represent a memory shared between the two. Also BOOM slight Vancat thrown right at ya. Thanks for waiting for me and not deleting my book right after you finish the current amount of chapters. ((・⊥・))

Love you all

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