Quick A/N

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Hey guys, don't be sad that this isn't an update. Today has been busy because I'm studying for my benchmarks and I've decided to take the week off. I will be uploading new parts by next week or a few days earlier, but please don't be mad. If you want to see more updates, be sure to read the first chapter of this book and send in your ideas! I have some for back up in case I stay away longer than I thought, but it doesn't hurt to have more! I also want to quickly add, I will not write smut on my own free will. If you want to see one, please request it yourself. I hope you, dear reader, will understand. I started writing and publishing for fun, keeping my education in first priority. This book does mean a lot to me and your support is ASTONISHING. I didn't know that this book would reach this far. Speaking of length, we've reached 260 views and 10 votes. Holy shit!! To some authors, this doesn't seem big, but to me it's completely different. I thank you for understanding about my break, and I thank you for your continuous support.

See you guys in a week! <3

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