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Autumn's POV

I opened my eyes from my nap. My face still planted into Calum's chest.

"You're awake?" Cal asked quietly.

I responded with a kiss to his collar bone. He giggled and hugged me tighter. I got as close as possible to him to the point I was on top of him. His hand grabbed my bottom causing me to squeal and sit up straddling him. He met my face with a bunch of kisses. I smiled and snuggled into him.

"I love you daddy."

Calum hugged me tightly, "Me too cutie."

I suddenly had burst off energy and wanted to do something.

"Daddy can we play a game?"

"Sure go see if Michael want to play also. I'm going to see about Luke and Ashton because I know they are together."

"Ok Daddy," I said hopping off him and running to Mikey's room.

I knocked at his door waiting for an answer. It took a minute for him to come to the door. He was shirtless when he opened the door. He smiled once he realized I was staring a little too long.


"Oh. Mikey can you play a game with me and Daddy." I said with the biggest smile.

"Sure baby. We going downstairs?"

I nodded my head yes turning and started to run but slammed into a body. It was Daddy.

"That's why little one, you don't run in the house."

Sometimes I forget how intimidating Daddy can be. I can usually get his bubbly teddy bear side to show, but that will never change how strict he is with rules. We all sat around the board game chosen including Luke and little Ash. (choose one that can have teams)

"I wanna be on Mikey's team." I said climbing into his lap.

Mikey hugged me from behind and pecked my neck.

"If you are on his team, you get no cuddles from me when go to bed."

My eyes widen and I started to get up, but Mikey kept his arms tight around me.

"Mikey let go."

"No. If you switch you get no kisses from me, and I know you love them," He said kissing my neck.

"You guy are no fun."

"No it's okay babe. I'll join Luke and Ashy here." He said and leant over to kiss me cheek followed by Micheal.

"Yay! Cally on our team Daddy," Ashton said and Luke grabbed his hips to place him in his lap.

"He is isn't he."

Luke rubbed his his thighs and snuggled him closer. The two them are very close and it's very cute. One this that's weird though, is Ashton calling Luke daddy. Just in general, Ashton being a little around me. He's never shown that side very publicly, but I like it.

Two hours later and we were done playing a game because Ash got tired. Luke went to bed with him and I went back upstair with Daddy.

"Did you really mean no cuddles tonight."

"No babygirl. That would be punishment for the both of us. Wouldn't it?"

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