Chapter 5

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"Have you lost your mind?" You said

Momo blinked in confusion

"Do you realize the danger we got ourselves in? We will spend the rest of our days running, and I'm sure we won't get far enough, people will be looking for us everywhere and when they get-"

Momo silenced you with a kiss

You closed your eyes, giving into it, you had missed this so much, you had missed him so much.

You let yourself be consumed by the moment, your thoughts vanished like smoke and forgot what worries were.

He broke the kiss for air, his hand caressing your cheek.

"I won't lose you again"


He took the first step outside, reassuring the path was clear.

The grip of your hand on his was firm but gentle.

"Where are we heading now?" you asked him

"Don't worry, I know a place" he said, almost happy


"Oi, what do you think you're doing here?" A guy not much older than Momo said as he was standing on the door he had just opened to find you and Momo.

"I need your help" Momo responded firmly

"Do you know that having a traitor in my house is like being a traitor itself?" the guy asked stubbornly

"Yes, but you know me better than anyone and I know that I can trust you"

The maroon haired guy looked at you and then asked Momo "Is she your girlfriend?"


You blushed at Momo's response, but tried to hide it quickly since this practically meant life or death

The guy sighed deeply "Damnit, come in" "I would have died a traitor anyway" he huffed

Momo gave you a small smile

You walked inside the house first, and heard a voice from what seemed to be the kitchen

"Rin? Who is it?" It was a female voice

"Momotarou and his girlfriend" The guy, whose name you now knew was Rin, answered

A girl appeared in front of you, she looked nice and approachable

"Hello, my name is Raven. I'm Rin's girlfriend" She went to introduce herself to you

"Oh, hi, my name is (y/n) thank you for helping us" You said

"No need to thank us, I'm glad we have visitors. Coffee is ready"

The four of you sat at the table and discussed for a while about your current situation and a plan of action. You also got to talk with them leisurely. You observed Rin and Raven, they seemed like good and strong people.

Momo kindly asked them for their permission to let us stay for a while, until you figured out what your next move would be.

Raven walked you to the visit's room and showed you where everything you might need was.

Momo stood a little longer talking with Rin so he joined you to bed later.

You were already lying down, but not yet asleep.

Momo took off his shirt. You looked at his bare scarred back quietly.

"Have your healing abilities not been working properly?" You asked, almost whispering

Momo turned around to look at you. "Sorry if I woke you"

You shook your head, even though it was too dark for him to see. The only source that provided the room with light was the moon, that came from the window.

"Yea, it's only that...well, they are still healing. Let's say the way I got them was a bit lethal" he said with a sad voice

He then lied next to you and wrapped his arms around you.

"Hey, I won't let anyone hurt you again okay? I promise" after that, he kissed your forehead and feel deeply asleep.


Ayyyy long chapterr, see what I did up there? ^ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm actually happy with this part and the next one. I even got a bit emotional while I was writing. School has been okay I guess but I hate people so much 😭 y.

(Also, I know it may seem like there was a time confusion in the story but let's just say that it took you practically all day to get to Rin's house because you were weary of someone finding you)

Thank you so much for reading

The Unknown Pt. 2 | Momotarou Mikoshiba x Tokyo Ghoul CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now