Chapter 7

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3 years later

A sharp cold breeze cut through Momo's cheekbones as he ran. His feet were sore from walking and running so much but he could barely feel it. The lights from the city above him illuminated his path. He watched his steps and tried to be as careful as possible. He jumped from a rooftop to land on a metal bar.

He did his best to regain his balance with only his legs since his arms were busy carrying a not-so-heavy bundle.

He observed the world under him and focused on the sound of people on the streets, cars passing by and sirens from ambulances. It was a messy world.

He took a deep breath, the chilly air filled in his lungs. He felt so alive.

He looked for a much more stable ground, and landed there. Momo took off the hood that covered his head, unleashing his auburn locks and causing them to swirl with the wind.

He readjusted the bundle's position in his arms and opened up a bit the blanket that protected it to reveal the face of a baby.  A smile drew on his lips, he couldn't help it.

His ears caught the sound of a soft thud next to him. He immediately knew it was you.

"The area's clear" he affirmed

The baby squirmed in his arms and started to cry. Momo sighed.

"I think he wants his mom" he turned around and handed you the tiny human

"Awe, I didn't go away for long, why are you crying?" you said, wiping the tears off your son's face

"I think he's tired" Momo stated

"Yeah, let's go inside" Momo walked to the door that connected the rooftop to the lower floors of the building and opened it for you.

Once inside the apartment, you filled a pot with water and waited for it to boil.

Your mind was restless. How long would you stay here until you had to move again?

A pair of arms blocked your thoughts. Momo was behind you, buring his face on your neck.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Making coffee"

"I swear you are going to have an overdose if you keep drinking coffee like that" he chuckled

You rolled your eyes and changed the subject

"Is he asleep?"

"Yeah, I just tucked him in. He must be really tired though, it's kind of stressing that we have no one to take care of him while we're out"

"I know" you said

He started to massage your shoulders and kissed your neck softly.

"Are you tired too?" He said in a low voice

You huffed in response. He turned off the stove and led you to the bedroom.


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The Unknown Pt. 2 | Momotarou Mikoshiba x Tokyo Ghoul CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now