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They've come.

The shadows of the night surround me, the only source of light coming from a small candle that was slowly going out.

Even the moon had disappeared, along with the twinkling of the stars. Nothing remained but silence.

It wasn't peaceful silence though.

It was the silence you heard after a heart stopped beating.

A silence you heard once the bullet met its victim.

The silence of death.

I stand stiffly, brandishing nothing but a knife to defend myself with from them.

My entire body quakes in quivers, the voices in my head chanting that I was doomed yet I stare off into the distance as I wait.

I still had time to run yet my feet seemed to be glued to the ground.

'I can do this' I whisper to myself.

A snap returns to me to my senses and I hold my knife tighter than before, squinting my eyes to try and see anything or anyone.

But the only thing that greets me is darkness.

Shivers run down my spine as I hear the crunch of footsteps as they come nearer.

"I can handle them..." I try to convince myself. It'd only be a few, and I can take them down.

I won't let them take me alive.

The light of the candle dims as the first figure steps forward, but I still see it. I still recognize it even without the light.

It was none other, than a...fangirl/fanboy.

I let out a shiver of fear as it steps forward me, their fandom merchandise exclusive t-shirt torn in several places and their dyed hair styled as their favorite character.

Black slime oozed out of it and sharp fangs glisten, the all too smell of microwaveable ramen filling the air.

It was roleplaying.

Well, two could play at that.

I break off into a sprint and dash forwards it wielding my knife as I prepare to strike.

It raises its arm full of tattoos of their favorite fandom quotes and it comes closer and closer to me, almost reaching my face when suddenly I bring my knife forward and slash its arms off.

It lets out a screech, "ASDFGHJKL!" and it starts hissing the names of the characters who have died in their fandom.

I try to block out its screaming as much as I can, I mustn't let it transform me into one of them.

I spin around as it opens its mouth wide, broken and rotten brown teeth glinting at me as it prepares to bite down on me but before it can, I stab it directly in the heart.

Right where the feels are.

It screeches in pain and I slowly step away from it as it claws the ground, hoping that'll save them from their end. It hisses and groans as it slowly fades into nothing but a pile of dust.

My face remains blank as the creature dies, staring coldly into its eyes as their soul leaves the fandom and becomes...human once more.

Their soul rises from the ashes, a faded grey and disappears into the dark.

I had just roleplayed.

A groan comes from behind me and I quickly turn around and dodge the attack of another one, brandishing its own weapon- a custom copy of Harry Potter's wand.

It was a Potterhead, one of the oldest types of fangirls/fanboys to exist. Not quite as old as Sherlockians, but enough to be dangerous.

It screeches a spell and points the wand at me as sparks fly out of it and I roll out of the way, barely dodging the spell as it causes a tree behind me to explode.

As I lay on the ground, I reach for my knife when another creature steps one it, sparkly pink slime oozing out of it.

"No... Not a-" I look up into the sparkly kawaii eyes of a Weaboo and gasp in horror. It wore a full on cosplay of their favorite Pokemon and I shut my eyes tightly to protect myself from it.

I hear more growls and hisses come and my face pales in horror.

Fan after fan crawls out of the shadows, chanting the same terrifying thing over and over again, sending shivers down my spine.

"Roleplay...roleplay with us...."

I was completely surrounded by fangirls/fanboys.

"Villainous roleplay!" A few of them chant, wearing a ripped black hat or a dirty paper bag.

"Hamilton roleplay!" A crowd shrieks, each wearing matching Revolutionary outfits they stole from the set of the musical.

I cover my ears and shut my eyes tightly.

This couldn't be happening.

"No, I'll never become one of you!" I shriek terrified.

They crawl closer and closer and I feel the hot breath of them as they stand over my body.

It's too late.

I open my eyes one last time and stare into each of the fans' faces terrified, as the light of the candle finally blows out.

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