Headcannons Platonic Relationships

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These are Platonic ONLY headcannons! They're FRIENDSHIPS. I'll do some Romantic next though 😉

Demencia and Dr Flug: They both spend a lot of time in the lab, Dr Flug makes the experiments and Demencia tests them out. If Demencia lets him work in peace, he'll agree to chasing her around the mansion as a reward. Or she'll steal an important tool and he'll have to do it anyway.

Demencia and 505: Demencia will often prank 505 for her channel but never seriously. She tries not to hurt his feelings and if she did scare him badly or hurt his feelings, she'll (attempt to) make him cupcakes. 505 will also defend her from Black Hat's lectures and give her lots of hugs when she feels upset.

Demencia and Black Hat: Demencia pranks Black Hat the most out of everyone else because his reactions are the best. She'll also tackle him in hugs all the time and follow him around the mansion like a lost puppy. Black Hat acts indifferent, the only thing different is that he will tolerate her hugs most of the time.

Dr Flug and 505: 505 will follow Dr Flug around the mansion, mainly to carry his stuff because Dr Flug is so clumsy. He'll hug Dr Flug when he feels upset and give him pats on the back of encouragement. Dr Flug downloads cooking shows that both of them watch together and Dr Flug will often make inventions to make cooking and cleaning easier for 505.

Dr Flug and Black Hat: Dr Flug will always give Black Hat pep talks that Black Hat secretly enjoys. Black Hat will once in a while congratulate Dr Flug (discreetly) if he's in a good mood. They both play chess together and Dr Flug lets Black Hat win (mainly so he doesn't get killed).

505 and Black Hat: 505 will always make sure to polish the statues of Black Hat extra shiny, cleaner than anything else in the house. He'll often make Black Hat's favorite breakfast for him and make sure to add extra chocolate to his cupcakes. Black Hat won't yell at the bear anymore and let him take more breaks, also suggesting new recipes for him to cook.



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