TWO| "I'm alive!"

Mulai dari awal

I need a distraction, I think to myself.

I can't fall asleep since I keep imagining bad thing when I close my eyes, maybe I'll just a movie.

yeah that a good idea!

I decide to watch 'Finding Nemo', that should definitely help me relax as it has no relation to aeroplanes what so ever and cannot increase my fear even more.

While watching the movie my mind starts to wonder, what if I get lost like Nemo? Think about it lost in the clouds and no one ever finds us and we slowly run out of fuel and fall into the ocean, middle of nowhere.

The thought makes me want to cry, I just started my life I don't want to die. Wow, I think need therapy...Oh well, youtube is cheaper.

"Stop crying, we're not gonna die," I hear dumbass next to me sigh.

Damn I must be crying about loud

Touching my cheek, I find no tears. Huh?

"Really, what makes you so sure?" I question, turning my body completely towards him, his head was back, eyes closed completely relaxed.

"We're still alive, aren't we?" He says, eyes still closed not looking at me.

I give him a deadpan look, staying silent.

What if we're dead and this is just our ghosts talking now because we don't know we're actually dead!? I gasp out loud out the thought. Mind? Blown!

I lift my hand up and touch my face, seems normal then I reach for his, slowly I poke his cheek, more than once. Causing him to open his eyes to slowly and stare at me, emotionless

I move my hand away quickly and hold it against my chest, he clenches his jaw and goes back to his dead form but not before giving me a glare.

Maybe I'll just talk and annoy him

That'll be a good distraction, I thought to myself.

I should ask him the question, that's been bothering me for a while now.

"So," I start, hoping to gain his attention but get nothing, "so," I say again, this time a little louder

"What?" He snaps, opening his eyes slowly moving them to meet mine.

Too beautiful

When did it get hot in here?

I fidget with my tops collar, feeling a little uncomfortable under his stare.

"So, what?" He spat, clearly getting annoyed with my silence.

Trying to maintain eye contact but probably failing miserably, I try to remember my question but it seems to have completely left my mind.

I look around, as if searching for the question or looking for something to start a conversation about but, in reality, I was just avoiding eye contact.

I hear him release a frustrated sigh, and turn his head back to facing forward

No, look back this way!

When You Walked InTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang