Last Bit Of Sunlight

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Once again, I was with Jake and nothing made me happier. We were on our way to the party that he had invited me to, last night. I was kind of excited because this was our first party as a couple and his friends were starting to get to know me better, which I liked a lot. Some of his friends were pretty cool and inviting but others, not so much. T.J and I already hit it off when he tried taking my shirt off at his party. What a pig, but he was trying to make up for it, so we're slowing becoming friends. Makayla and I actually were friends, I really liked her and she was the only one out of that group of friends that didn't annoy me.

We were still driving to the party, it seemed like we've been driving for what felt like forever.

"Where's the party?" I asked

"We're almost there" he smiled

"Are you sure?" "I feel like we've been driving for hours"

"Yes Alex" he laughed

Jake grabbed my hand and our fingers soon became interlocked. Finally, we had arrived at the party. I'm guessing we were a little late, people were already drunk and some were leaving to go who knows where. We hopped out of the car and found Tye and Makayla sitting on the couch inside the house. We talked for a little while and went to where the party was. We danced, we laughed and even had some shots. Tonight was going great except I really had to use the bathroom; I went back inside the house and went into the bathroom. I came back out and looked around to find Jake or Makayla or really someone that I knew. I glanced to the right and to my surprise I saw Makayla dancing with some guy, I couldn't see who he was due to all of the people that were in-front and around them. I took a couple of steps to the side and it turns out that the boy was Jake. I started walking toward them when Makayla grabbed Jake by the shirt and started making out with him. I stopped dead in my tracks. What did I just see? They didn't stop either; it went on for a good two minutes before my mind took over my body. I walked over to Makayla, pushed her off of Jake, grabbed her shirt and pulled her towards me and punched her, square in the face. She fell to the ground and there was soon blood coming from her face. She was pissed, she got up and threw me into the pool and luckily I grabbed her arm so she came in with me.

I started swimming to the edge of the pool to climb out when I felt a hard tug on my hair. Makayla pulled me under the water and started choking me. I elbowed her in the stomach hard enough for her to let go. I swam as fast as I could and got out, as I was about to start running Makayla grabbed my foot and I fell straight on my face. I tasted blood right away; I then got up and ran a couple of feet from the pool. I turned around and saw everyone at the party looking at me. I then saw Makayla getting out of the pool; she walked over to a table and grabbed the empty glass beer bottle. She smashed it on the ground leaving nothing but a sharp edged beer bottle she then started charging at me. I froze, not knowing what to do. She ran towards me and I dodged her attempted stab. Once again I started running, I ran to the front yard, Makayla soon after. I turned around and saw her once again running at me. This time instead of trying to stab me, she tackled me. She broke off a large piece of glass and put it up to my neck.

"This is what you get" she spit

"What I get?" I yelled "You made out with my boyfriend you bitch"

I pushed her off of me and we were both standing up, face-to-face. Everyone was surrounding us. Makayla and I started walking in a circle. I then heard the sound of two male voices. Jake and Tye ran in between us, Jake facing me and Tye facing Makayla.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jake yelled

"Are you kidding me?" I yelled back "You made out with Makayla!"

Jake just glared at me. Not knowing what to say.

"Makayla, but down the beer bottle" Tye yelled

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