Summer Breeze

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It was midnight; I woke up hot and sweating. Looking around I saw nothing but darkness, I suddenly felt all alone, my hand ached and I remembered that what happened wasn't a dream. It was real. I felt something in the pit of my stomach; it was nothing but pure hatred, I really hated myself now. I can't believe I actually did that, how selfish of me to do that to everyone, I turned my body and slammed my face into my pillow, cried for a little while and fell back asleep. Waking up again, only this time it was morning and seeing Jake right next to me made me feel so happy, it made me feel so much better about myself. My day was off to a great start.

"Good morning princess" Jake said opening his eyes

"Good morning" I replied, running my fingers through his hair

"How'd you sleep?" he asked

"Pretty good thanks to you" I couldn't help but smile

Jake sat up and got out of bed. We walked towards the bathroom and stood in the doorway. Looking at something, I got up and walked over to where he stood. My eyes met his eyes.

"What are you looking at?" I asked

"Nothing, just kind of remembering what happened the other night"

I was silent, I really wished that he'd just forget about what happened but I really couldn't blame was hard for me to forget about too.

I placed both of my hands on his warm face and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Everything is going to be fine"

Jake didn't say anything but wrap me in his arms. This was my favorite place to be; right now...this moment was perfect.

We walked down the stairs and to our surprise breakfast was already made for the both of us and there was a note sitting on the table from Aunt Karen.

Alex, if you haven't noticed already, Jaidyn and I are not home. We're not going to be home for a while actually. We're having a girls day out and I didn't invite you because I thought you and Jake would like a day for yourselves. Have fun and see you soon. -Karen

I placed the note down and sat at the kitchen table and ate, I wasn't very hungry so I ate half of what was on my plate.

"Want to go swimming?" I asked

"Yeah, sure. But I don't have my shorts"

"Karen has plenty of extras"

We walked into the hallway that was outside of the kitchen and opened a drawer that contained a bunch of swimming trunks. Jake grabbed a pair and went into the bathroom. I got my swimsuit on and I met Jake outside by the pool. It was a pretty nice day outside, warm and sunny. It was the perfect California weather, not to mention I was with Jake so it made everything a lot better. Jake grabbed my hand and we walked down the pool stairs and into the warm water. Both hands were in the water and I suddenly felt a sharp pain. I totally forgot I had stitches.


"Are you okay?" Jake asked

"Yeah I'm fine, that just really hurt. I totally forgot I had stiches!"

I swam to the edge of the pool and grabbed a towel and dried my hand, I wasn't going to let a couple of stiches ruin this.

"Do you want to get out?" Jake asked


Jake couldn't help but laugh. I haven't heard his laugh in what felt like forever. It was nice to see him smile too, especially after what I did to him. I swam back over to him and we just started talking about what we've done so far this summer and what we should do this summer.

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