Falling For You

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We all lay on the beach, looking up at the stars. Of course, I laid by Jake. I was really falling hard for him. He made me feel complete, he made me laugh and most importantly, he made me feel special. No words could describe how much I wish he was mine, but what was I thinking? I didn't have a chance, all of his feelings were probably fake, not real. Or maybe they were real. I really wish that he'd tell me what he actually thought of me. I still haven't told him how I actually thought about him, now that I think of it. Maybe he was waiting for me to make the first move. Jake really knew how to mess with my head.

I looked over at Jake to see what he was doing, he was still laying down, arms tucked under his head, still looking at the stars. All I could help but do, was look as his blue eyes. Jake all together was such a dreamy guy; anyone and probably everyone who looked at him would fall in love with him. I'm guilty of that.

Jake got up and left me by myself, I listened into T.J and Jake's conversation.

"So, how are you two lovebirds?" T.J said

"We're good" Jake answered

"Just good?" he asked

"Yeah, I still haven't told her how I really feel"

"And why's that?" he asked

"Because, I'm scared. What if she doesn't feel the same way?"

"Are you kidding me? Jake, that girl is basically in love with you"

"You don't know that!" he yelled

"Why are you getting so defensive?" T.J snapped

"Because! I'm scared, I really am, I don't want to mess this up"

"Then go. Tell her, tell her how you feel, before it's too late"

"You're right. I will, just give me a couple of days"

"You don't have days, Jake. You have this minute, right now. Do it" T.J pushed

"Fine. Alright. But I swear, she doesn't like it, I blame you"

"That's fine. But if I'm right, you have to go skinny dipping in that ocean, with someone of your choice" he said

"Deal" Jake agreed

I couldn't help but laugh when I heard that, is that really what guys do? Oh well, that's actually something I like about boys, they're nothing like girls, they're not afraid to get their hands dirty.

Jake came over and sat next to me. I already knew what he was supposed to say but I really wanted to hear it from him. Butterflies started to fly around in my stomach. I was getting anxious, but then I thought, what if he didn't do it, he probably wouldn't. The butterflies started to die down and so did my anticipation.

"The stars are beautiful" I said

"This is probably my favorite beach to come and watch the stars" he answered

I started to scoot closer to Jake.

"Alex" he said

"Yes, Jake?" I asked

"Okay, we've known each other for a while now, right?" he asked

"Yeah, why?" I asked

"Alex" he turned, now looking at me "Alex, I've liked you the first day I laid eyes on you. You were super gorgeous, funny and a great hugger. I honestly like you, a lot. I really hope you feel the same way about me as I do with you. I'm crazy about you. I love everything about you, your hair, your eyes, your smile and even your laugh, it's amazing, you're perfect and I really, really want you to be my girlfriend, but if I'm pushing this, if it’s too early and you say no, the-" he said before I cut him off.

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