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I'm not sure what to do. Do I call the police? Have people already called the police? Do I go and see who's dead? What do I do?

I turned back around and again saw blood and two bodies, I quickly ran into the bathroom and threw up. What I just saw will haunt me forever. Well, what did I just see...was I seeing things or was that real? 

I walked out and saw paramedics, policemen and even fire fighters crowding my classroom. 

Yup, definitely real I thought to myself. 

There were so many people, people crying, people panicking, people bleeding, people trying to help, it was absolute chaos. 

A paramedic came up to me

"Are you one of the students who were in that classroom?" He asked

"Yes" I answered

Next thing I knew I heard a loud scream next to me. It was Scarlet. She was fighting the grip of a Paramedic who was holding on to her, as if not wanting her to see something.

Scarlet started yelling

"He's dead! He's dead! He's dead!" 

Instantly I knew who she was talking about. 


Trevor's motionless body was picked up, bagged and put on a stretcher. 

I ran over to Scarlet and gave her a big hug, refusing to let go of her. Trevor, my best friend, her boyfriend, dead. 

Scarlet was crying now. Sobbing onto my shoulder where her head lay. I couldn't believe what has just happened. What Scarlet has gone through already this week. I couldn't even imagine. All I know now is that I have to be there for her, more than ever. She needed me and I needed her.

We were all brought down to the cafeteria where all of our parents were called, surprisingly no one got hurt...except Trevor. 

"Imagine how his mom is feeling" I said aloud

"A mother’s worst nightmare" said Breah

We all just sat together and didn't talk, finally my mom came. She walked into the cafeteria and just hugged me tight, not saying a word. I think for once, I was starting to feel like my mom loved me, like she finally cared about me. Jaidyn came down from her class and we left. I couldn't wait to get home and just sleep, get away from this crazy world. 

And I did just that.

Next thing I knew I was waking up from a horrible dream, a dream where a gunman showed up to school and killed Trevor. I called Scarlet.



"I had the weirdest dream" I told her

"What was it about?" She asked

"A gunman showed up to school and killed Trevor" I explained

There was a quick pause

"Alex, that was real" Scarlet said

"Wait...what?!" I yelled

"Alex. It was real. Trevor's dead. My boyfriend is dead, your best friend is dead" Scarlet said starting to get chocked up


"What" she replied

"What are we going to do" I asked

"I'm not sure there's anything we can do. But I think I'm going to go, I have to get ready for school"

Before I had the chance to start my sentence, she hung up.

"Today'll be interesting" I told myself

I walked into the garage and started up my car and left for school. Even though there was a gunman at our school yesterday, we still had to go. I mean I guess I get it, it's the last day of school so why not. But I hardly remember anything from today. All I remember is walking in school and 6th hour, Language Arts. 

Language Arts was a tough class for me to go to, I couldn't focus on anything other then what happened 24 hours ago in this room. Scarlet decided to skip class, I don't blame her. I'm surprised I didn't do the same thing.

We were signing people's yearbooks in the gymnasium for a whole hour. The bell rang and everyone started cheering, especially the seniors. We all ran back to out lockers to grab our stuff and leave this school for three months. I went over to my sister's locker, I was driving her home and I just wanted to check in and make sure she was handling everything okay.

"Are you ready?" I asked Jaidyn

"As I'll ever be" she answered back

"How about we stop at Caribou and get something to drink?" I said

"Oh, yes please! I could go for Caribou right now" she said happily

We got in my car and we headed to Caribou. We stayed there for a while and then left to go home. 



"No one’s asked you this but, how do you feel?"

"What do you mean?"

"About everything, what happened yesterday and Scarlet"

I had totally forgotten I told her about Scarlet. Whoops.

"I'm doing okay" I replied

"You don't seem like it"

"Well, it's been tough, I'll be honest...but everything happens for a reason and I'm sure something good will come out of all of this" 

The rest of the way home was quiet, we pulled into the driveway, got out and I went straight to my room. It was only five o'clock and I was already tired. I decided I was going to take a nap for an hour, get up and pack for California in two days.

I laid in my king sized bed thinking about how much I hated the color of my walls, my walls were purple. I wanted blue walls now, blue is my favorite color and it would have matched with a lot of the furniture in my room. 

The longer I lay there I feel my eyes grow heavier and heavier until finally, I fall into a deep sleep. 

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