Here At Last

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The plane ride felt like 30 minutes. It seriously felt like we had just boarded, sat down and poof, here we were, Long Beach California.

I got up to grab our carry-ons out of the storage compartment, as I was grabbing them, someone bumped into me, I dropped the bags on my head and fell to the ground.

"Ouch!" I yelled

"Oh I'm so sorry!" A voice said

I looked up from the ground and saw a guy who was around my age; he was tan with gorgeous blue eyes and red hair. He was so hot I thought. I just kept staring into his eyes, hypnotized, totally forgetting I was on the ground.

"Here, let me help you" he laughed

He grabbed my hand and helped me up. 

His voice. 

His voice was perfect. Everything about him I thought, all the way from his red hair to the way he talked. Perfect.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was going" I said, blushing

"It's wasn't your fault, all mine" he said flashing a smile 

My heart melted, his smile was one of the many things to add on his list if perfections. 

"My name's Jake" 

"My name's Alex and this is my sister Jaidyn" I said

"Well, it's very nice to meet you both, where in California are you guys going?" he asked making small talk

"Long Beach" I replied with a smile

"Crazy! That's where I'm headed! I'm visiting a couple of friends and some family" Jake said with what sounded like excitement in his voice

"Oh awesome! We're visiting our Aunt this summer, I haven't been to California in a couple of years, I kind of miss the warmth here" I replied

The plane door opened and we all started to walk out of the plane onto what seemed like a long runway. We got to baggage claim, to grab our bags and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jake. Just seeing him caused butterflies to fly around in my stomach. 

I just kept thinking how hot he was and how lucky I was to even talk to a guy like him.

"Here's our stuff" Jaidyn said, pointing to the baggage wheel

"Can you grab them? I have to call mom" I said

I walked away from the baggage wheel and dialed her phone number.

It rang for a couple of seconds and then there was an answer.

"Hello?" she answered

"Hey mom, I just wanted to let you know we landed in California, safe and sound" I said

"Well that's great! How is it over there?" she asked

"Pretty warm, warmer then Michigan that's for sure" I chuckled

"I bet, but the sun is shining over here, finally!"

"Well the sun is always shining over here in California" I said in a smart tone.

"I bet! Well I don't mean to make this a short conversation but I have to head to work, call me later or whenever you get the chance. Tell Jaidyn I love her, I love you Alex. Talk to you later sweetie" 

"Alrighty, I will. Talk to you later, love you too mom"

Jaidyn came over with our many suitcases.

"Aunt Karen texted me, she'll be here in a couple of minutes. She also wanted me to tell you she's really excited to see you"

"Oh I bet" 

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