And It Begins

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I suddenly wake up to the sound of someone shouting at me

"Alex, wake up! We're going to be late!"

"What the..." I said sitting up quickly in bed.

"Are you packed?" Another voice said

I rubbed my eyes to see that my mom and Jaidyn where standing in my doorway.

"What do you mean?" I questioned

"We're leaving for the airport in four hours!" Jaidyn exclaimed

"Oh that's today?" I said

"Yes Alex, today" Jaidyn answered

"Well then...Wait, how long was I asleep?" I asked curiously

"Since you got home, almost two days" my mom answered

I started to remember what had happened this week. Memories started flooding back to me. Finally, Jaidyn and my mom left, to give me some time to myself. Soon after they left I started crying, everything that's happened this week were finally starting to sink in. It was real, I wasn't in a dream. In fact, I was awake and living every moment.

"What a great way to kick off summer" i said in my head

More thoughts started racing through my head. My best friend, Scarlet, was pregnant and my best friend, Trevor was dead. Why was all of this happening to me? Why me? What did I do to deserve this?

After a few minutes of crying and throwing things in my room, I finally put myself back together. I started to pack my bag.

I had a tough time deciding what I was going to bring to Cali. I had to decide between 12 of my cutest swimsuits...but I ended up packing them all. I picked out a couple of dresses to bring with me that I had bought the previous week, a couple of party dresses and a few casual dresses. I packed all of my shorts, tank tops and sandals.

I was packed and so ready for California.

"Alex, are you packed and ready to go?" My mom yelled from upstairs

"Yeah mom, I'll be up in a sec" I yelled back

"Jaidyn, let's go" I said walking out in the hall and into her room

"Coming!" she said

We grabbed our suitcases and bags, went upstairs and into the garage. We got our stuff into our moms car and off we drove to the airport.

It was a quiet car ride most of the way. It was kind of awkward too, but it gave me a chance to listen to my music without having to be interrupted by people trying to talk to me.

When we got to the airport drop off we all got out of the car to say goodbye.

"Oh you girls, I'm going to miss both of you so much!" My mom yelled

She came up to Jaidyn and I and gave us a big hug, refusing to let go.

"We'll miss you too" Jaidyn said

We walked into the airport after saying our final goodbyes and went through security, grabbed some food and hopped onto the plane. We flew first class so we kind of got the special treatment. It was pretty nice considering this was the first time we've ever flown first class.

We sat in our seats when the buckle light came on, signaling everyone to buckle up and get ready for take off.

The plane started up, reversed itself and took a turn and then finally, we were on the runway, about to take off.

"Hello, this is your captain speaking, you are on flight 6-9-5, departing from Detroit, Michigan and landing in Long Beach, California, we are expecting a very smooth ride this morning, your flight time is about four hours and 35 minutes. Thank you for flying Delta Airlines"

I checked to see what time it was; 6:45 a.m, the plane now started to gradually speed up and then finally, we took off and were up in the clouds. It was a really nice view, the clouds were a pink and orange as the sun was rising over the horizon. It was beautiful, almost like something you'd see in a dream.

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