[4]The Girl Next Door <33

Start from the beginning

"What happened?" Blair asked worriedly

"Never mind that! Whose ass do I need to kick right now?!!" Lo answered all ready taking out her hoops and her bangles.

I couldn't help but laugh at her until I saw Ebony stone face.

"Are you going to tell us now?" She asked

"Bonny please don't!" I whispered

"Is someone going to tell us what is going on or do we have to guess?" Serena asked. I could tell she was annoyed by the way she was standing with her arms crossed against her chest.

"Grace has something to tell us!" Ebony said urging me to begin


"Grace! We're your best friends just tell us!!" She shouted

"Grace? You've been keeping secrets from us?" Blair asked I looked at her and I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I...I. Oh. I like Sam OK. In fact I'm pretty sure I'm in LOVE WITH HIM. Ok. Is everyone happy now!" I whispered loudly.

They all burst out laughing. Seriously. They were all rolling around on the floor clutching their stomachs. I could feel myself turning bright red they were laughing at me.

"Ok. I get it. I have no chance with Sam. I know ok. So thank for making me feel great about myself. Some friends you lot are!"

I picked up my bags and was storming away when Lo blocked my path. I turned around ready to leave the other way when Ebony grabbed my arm pulling me to her. We're the same height so when she pulled me in for a hug I couldn't help but rest my head on her shoulder. I started taking deep breaths knowing I was seconds away from crying. Ebony started playing with my hair soothing me the best way she knew.

"Graceeyy is that what you think?" She asked

I pulled away from her and whispered, "Yeah. Why else would you be laughing at me?"

"Because we all know you love Sam!" Blair said putting a reassuring hand on my arm

"WHAT?" I screeched. "How could you? I mean I only just admitted it to myself how could you know!"

"Because you've loved him since forever! I should now I'm your best friend! Do you remember in 1st grade when you and Sam got married and I was your bridesmaid?"  Ebony asked

"oh come on we were 6 that doesn't mean anything!" I argued

"How many boyfriends have you had?" Serena asked

"A few.." I lied

"No. Grace you haven't sweetie and you know why?" Blair asked gently

"Because you want Sam to be your boyfriend!" Ebony finished wrapping an arm around my shoulder and leaning her head against mine. "What am I going to do with you?" She asked. I could hear her sighing. "I thought you had killed someone!" She said.

"WHAT!!" I screeched for the second time

"Well you have been acting really sketchy and there's a dent on your car and you never said how you got it so I thought you hit something or someone!" She said

"I think someone has been watching to much 90210!" Lo said causing us all to burst out laughing and pretty soon we were all on the floor hysterically laughing at Ebony's overactive imagination.

Just at that moment Brittany and her two clones Clair and Amanda walked in, all with their tight skirts, orange faces and hooker heels!

"Did you have a nice trip this morning?" Lo asked setting us off laughing even more.

"Oh shut up you...you... VIRGINS!" She shouted and flounced off. Her two clones just stood their staring at each other.

"I don't get it out!" Amanda said tilting her head to the left.

"CLAIR! AMANDA!!" Brittany screeched.

They both jumped up and ran after her, bumping into each on the way setting us all off again. By the time we made it into the gym the lesson was over and we had to change back into our clothes. We all stopped off at our lockers and then made our way to class.

"Bye Graceeyy have fun in pre-calc" Ebony said wiggling her eyebrows. Something tells me I'm not going to I mean how could I? It's the one lesson I hate more than gym and that's saying something. Oh and to top it off my favourite person is in here with me. Not. How could I enjoy pre-calc knowing that Sa-

"Are you just going to stand there staring at the door or are you actually going to go in?" Sam's deep voice asked.

Turning bright red, I walked in, took my seat and tried to keep my glance away from Sam who was currently taking his seat next to me.

"Could everyone get out their math textbooks and turn to page 215" Mr Johnsons shouted from the front of the classroom hinting that all conversations needed to stop as he was about to begin the lesson. I reached down into my bag, pulling out my textbook laying it flat on the desk.

"Shit. I forgot mine! Graceeyy can I share your text book I left mine at home?" He said turning to me with a his trademark smirk.

I gulped, "yeah" my voice came out more high pitched than I intended and his smirk got bigger.

He moved his chair closer to me and I bet Sam could hear my heart beating out of my chest. I risked a glance at him and found him staring at me. Again, I got lost in his beautiful green eyes and something tells me I'm not the only one who likes what I'm seeing.

The Girl Next Door &lt;33Where stories live. Discover now