Calum smirks, "Yes, Damon's ward and she's ten. But she's the one that ended the fighting. Rather handily I must admit. Had your father's men on their knees and surrendering in less than five minutes." Trinity can tell that Calum is enjoying this prolonged story.

He decides to play along, even if it's just so he can get some peace before he's killed. "How did a ten year old take over Hawk?"

Calum's smile grows, "She sliced his privates, eviscerated him before slitting his throat. She isn't strong enough to move his body so she had her body guard help her cut his head off. She then took his head and threw it on the hall floor so everyone could see it.

"Good thing for you too, since you would have bled to death if she hadn't stopped the fighting when she did. Damon came back about that time as well. He wasn't happy about things. He really wasn't happy about Ana joining the ranks. You should be very thankful that he will do anything for her or you and the others would be dead."

"What do you mean?" Trinity is confused, he hadn't expected to live any way.

"She'll tell you when she's done with the traitor downstairs. She's already taken everyone's oath and freed the slaves. She's still new at the torturing it probably won't be long before she comes to see you. You have some visitors if you are up to it." Calum says smirking once more. He's having fun at Trinity's expense and Trinity knows it. He hates not understanding.

"What slaves? Hawk didn't participate in the slave trade." Trinity closes his eyes once more.

"Your father hid a lot from you. One last thing, I'm now Ana's second and Jonah is her third. Trina will be marrying me and Jonah is marrying your mother." This gets Trinity's eyes to snap open.

"The hell Trina is. I won't allow it." Trinity says and fights his restraints to get up.

Calum knowing that he's taken things to far takes a figurative step back. "Ana had no choice. You're father's men have too much loyalty to your family. She either marries me or Ana would have had to sell her or kill her. She let your sister decide which she wanted. But rest assured there are conditions to the marriage to protect her." What reassures Trinity is the sour note Calum has to his voice.

Before Trinity can ask Calum leaves and his remaining family and Jonah come in.

The three settle around him. His mother has never looked happier, even Jonah looks rather pleased with how things have turned out. But Trina looks nervous and scared. He wishes that he could take her in his arms. She's never even been kissed before, let alone had a boyfriend and now she has to marry a stranger to remain safe.

"It's okay, Trinity, this was my choice. Ana told me the terms of the marriage. We both agreed to the terms." Trina's soft voice doesn't do anything to alleviate Trinity's fears any.

"Ana's a good person, she is looking out for me as much as she can. She's so young that she couldn't risk..." Trina trails off quickly wiping the tears away.

"What are the terms, Trina?" Trinity asks stopping the babbling of his mother. He's known that his mother and Jonah love each other and had hoped that someday they would be able to marry. Perhaps the child isn't so bad, he'll have to see.

"There is to be no cheating on either part, that includes absolutely no sexual extras at all." Trina blushes as she says this. It amazes him just how innocent his sister is. "We are to be married for at least five years, and she expects us to honestly try to make it work. At the end of five years we can divorce if we decide we don't want to be married any more. She talked to Calum about a few other things, but that's pretty much it. I know I won't be cheating on him, but..." Trina bites her underlip, "Calum isn't known for being faithful. Even I know that and you know how sheltered I am. I don't know why he accepted, he didn't have to and I would have had to choose to be made a slave or die."

Trinity gives a short laugh, "Did the new Hawk do an exam, that's what I hear they do for slaves."

"She and Phoenix and Calum had us disrobe and..."

"It was a full evaluation. We were both given our options and the new Hawk wasn't happy about any of it. She doesn't like slavery and is freeing all the girls your father had prepared to sell." His mother's voice is smug. That's when he remembers that his mother had been a slave when his father first saw her. Whatever else the girl has done she's won his mother's loyalty and if she's letting his mother and Jonah marry she's won Jonah's loyalty as well.

"When are the weddings?" Trinity asks when everyone falls silent into their own thoughts.

"It looks like next Friday. That is if everything goes according to her plan. Ana assured us that the death certificate will be here next week." Jonah answers the question left in the silence.

Now Trinity is confused, "How?"

"You and your father were in a car accident. Your father didn't make it. Of course with your mother getting married so quickly it will appear suspicious but it's well known that your father had decided tastes in females. I'll make sure the right police officers investigate the accident."

"Why are you doing this sir?" Trinity asks Damon when he finishes talking.

"I promised Ana that I would help her. These marriages are her solution to the problem she faces in winning Hawk's men. In order for your mother to marry she needs her husbands death certificate. For that the body needs to be found. She did a damn good job of killing him but it makes it damn hard to cover up.

"She's going out of her way to save your family's life, remember that when you meet her. My suggestion was to kill your mother, her reaction was 'and you thought your father was wasteful'. You all should be grateful. Have Jonah tell you what she had him do." Damon says his piece and leaves before Trinity can even think of anything to say.

"Jonah?" Trinity queries.

"She had me brought in. She was less than pleased to see me in manacles. She had Calum take them off of me. She then told me the options she had given Trina and that there was no one for Trudy to marry. I begged her to let me marry Trudy. I told her that I would take whatever place she wanted, bust me to new beginner if she desired. She had me swear my oath, told me that it would be up to Trudy, but it was now on the table and then gave me the thirds position."

"So where does that leave me?" Trinity says out loud and just then the door opens.

Jonah is the first to recover and stands to give her a small bow. "Mistress."

"Jonah, please take your fiance and future daughter-in-law out of the room. Then I'd like to meet with you and Damon to talk." Ana says and immediately the ladies stand and start moving to the door.

"Of course." Jonah says.

"Ladies you might want to go enjoy the sun. There is a pool or tennis court outside. If you like to ride there are horses as well." Ana invites, she wants them to feel at home for now.

"Thank you mistress, you are most kind." Trudy replies and smiles happily. It has been some time since she has been treated so kindly.

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