Chapter 55 - The Greatest of Friends, the Best of Enemies

Start from the beginning

"Isn't their existence pathetic? I feel like destroying it too." A cold voice drawled a few feet from her distance. Yu Zhu looked up, her hand that gripped the weapon tightened slightly. She hadn't heard him come, at her level of power, not many could do that.

A man in blood red robes, a color most sane people shied away from, laid on his side on top of a cloud. His gold eyes glittered as he smiled at her crookedly. Dark black hair tied with a silk red string, a red mask that glittered in the night, on a face with sharp yet graceful features looked back at her as she stared at him.

She frowned, "Who are you?"

The man sat up and stretched, "That's ironic, coming from someone who herself is wearing a mask" he touched his, Yu Zhu's eyes narrowed as she saw the pattern change to copy hers.

He raised his hands and a deep purple light lit up, forming a thousand tiny daggers. With a flick of the wrist, the daggers headed straight for Yu Zhu's heart.

Yu Zhu's face darkened slightly but she gently tapped on the scabbard of her sword. A sound like the drop of rain on a leaf reverberated in the air, soft like a whisper, yet the power of the ripple destroyed the flying weapons

The man in the red mask smiled impishly, "No bad." Suddenly the air around them shifted and became hard. He had created a massive air shield that cut them off from the outside world.

Yu Zhu frowned, what was this man up to now? He pointed in the direction of the emperor of Heavens, "When we fight, I prefer not to let the old man up there know."

Yu Zhu looked at him questioningly, "You know the Emperor of Heaven?" The man in the red mask shrugged, "Who doesn't?"

"Now" He said as he raised both arms, the power in his hands causing his wide sleeves to flap around, "Let me see just how powerful you really are." With a roar that shook the air shield, a massive creature rose from his hands.

Yu Zhu's frown deepened slightly. It was the mystical creature Qi Lin, it's dragon head roared as its golden hooves stamped the air.

Yu Zhu was not to be outdone, she whistled a note and on the scabbard a flower flared bright red, a Phoenix soared into the sky, leaving a trail of fire behind its wings.

The man in the red mask smiled, "How nice, you have one too. We're practically best friends already." His grin widened, "Or, if you want, we could be something more."

Yu Zhu shook her head, with a slightly mocking smile of her own "No interest."

The Qi Lin and the Fire Phoenix charged at each other, the Qi Lin's incredible leap into the air bringing to the Fire Phoenix's neck, the phoenix flipped and shot a stream of flame at the Qi Lin.

The man in the red mask took at a fan and opened it, Yu Zhu could see the silver tipped edge, with its deadly glint of malice.

The man charged at her, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Yu Zhu made no move until he came within an arm's length, his fan aimed straight at her neck. With lightening speed the hilt of her sword crashed into the fan as her other hand, with a dagger aimed for the man's chest.

In a blink of an eye, he was 10 feet away from her again. She hadn't touched him, and he couldn't hurt her.

The Phoenix and Qi Lin charged at each other again as Yu Zhu dashed forward in the air, her body a white streak in the night sky.

The figure in red and white danced in the sky, every time they got close, lightening sparked from the clash of their weapons. Neither could gain the upper hand, neither seemed to want to show their true strength to each other.

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