breakfast at aunt may's

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"In my dreams, you're with me. We'll be everything I want us to be. And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time. Or is that just me and my imagination?" 


As Maize and Peter were driving, they realized that as they headed towards the bridge to get back to Queens, it was closed off to all traffic. It would be a miracle if they got on the bridge, but a miracle is what they got. Since the rest of the Avengers went on the Quinjet, Tony told them to let the two of them across the bridge since there was minimal structural damage and that was the only way they'd be able to go across. Maize drove like lightning over the bridge, making sure that they weren't on the bridge a second longer than they had to be since she wanted to get away from all the remains of the robot and to ensure that they were far gone if the bridge did decide to buckle beneath them. When they made it off the island, Maize got on track to head back to May's house so they could keep their commitment of a breakfast date. There was more traffic due to the bridge being officially closed now that the Avengers made it out.

Peter took the opportunity to break the silence.

"You doing alright Maize? You scared the hell out of me when you took that dive." He admitted to her.

"Yeah, it scared me too. Jarvis said I was fine, it was a really weird experience. Like my body had protected me, it went into this super fast state of suspension, and then I had this sudden burst of energy like I had already healed from any damage I might have gotten from the fall."

"I can't tell if Talia did it on purpose, you know."

"You know, I don't think she did."

"I think you're giving her too much benefit of the doubt."

"Really? I mean, she was already pulling back so she could attack and I think I just happened to be behind her. It's on me, I think."

"I saw her eyes, Maize. I don't know if it was just the battle where the adrenaline just took over, or what. I'm just glad you're alright."

"Me too, Peter. Me too." She answered, knowing she was lucky to be alive. If she didn't have her powers, she would be dead. The fall would have been fatal, and she walked out without a scratch.

Peter was well aware of that fact. If this was two months ago, she would be dead.

He pushed down the thought of that, swallowing the lump in his throat. He tried not to make it obvious that he was watching Maize as she drove, just thanking his lucky stars she was there with him after the battle. He bit his lip and tried to look away, but even though she was sore and soggy, she was a sight for sore eyes to him. It was a unique experience, seeing his best friend that he was more than likely in love with drive a Maserati after taking a dip in the East River, wearing her full Thor armor and having the hammer resting between them on the center console. Then Maize's eyes dropped from looking at the road to looking into her lap.

Suddenly, as they were cruising along the highway, Maize's vision began to blur and she was dizzy again, the blood rushing to her head and out through her nose. Peter realized this immediately and leaned over, taking her foot off the gas and driving the car to the shoulder from the passenger's seat. He reached and flicked on the turn signal so he could move over the lanes he needed to get to the shoulder and the car rolled to an eventual stop. He figured out how to put the car in park before he cut the engine. He put the hazards on and he tried to stop the bleeding and prevent the blood from getting all over the interior. He knew both Maize and Tony would be mad if they had to get the carpets shampooed because there was blood everywhere. Maize was having a particularly bad vision, and it was nothing short of a horror story. All around her, her friends were laying dead. Their eyes were glazed over and permanently open, never to blink by themselves again. Their skin was gray, covered in ash and blood. Meaghan's shield was crumpled to pieces, which was a nearly impossible thing to achieve. It was a nightmare.

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