a friendly game

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"Yeah, Tony made us do some group therapy."


Maize was the first one off the Quinjet when it landed. Everyone knew something was wrong and she needed someone, but they also knew that she needed to be alone for a little while. Instead of taking the elevator with the rest of them, she ran up the stairs and found a safe haven in her room. Mjolnir returned to its resting place on her nightstand rather aggressively as she dumped her books and other locker contents on her desk, finally feeling free enough to give it a good cry. She paced the floor, wiping her tears with the back of her hand and occasionally fanning her face trying to will the tears to stop and dry themselves. She felt the same emotions when she was around her father and so her emotions wandered to him. He should have been there. Everyone else she knows has a dad that cared even just a little for them and she felt like the universe was taking something crucial from her: a father's love. She was angry, and she was sad. She hated how sometimes she felt invisible to the people she needed most. Her friends, her family.

The pictures of her, Jemma, Giles, Markie and Raelyn stared up at her from their scattered position on her desk, and she wanted to scream. She wanted to yell at them, try to convince them that she didn't leave them just like everyone else left her, but they were already gone. There was no reversing that.

But there was a part of her that wouldn't let her throw away those old pictures. Even though they hurt, there was a part of her that begged her to hold on. Should she hold on? Could she?

Meanwhile in the common room, there was a small celebration being hosted by Thor, surprisingly, that congratulated the kids on their hard work earlier that day. When Tony wasn't paying attention, Thor offered them each a mug of beer from what Tony had on tap in his secret stash. Tony turned around just as Peter accepted the rather large mug of beer.

"THOR! What are you doing!? These kids aren't old enough to drink! Not in my house, at least!" He scolded, but Thor was unfazed.

"They are growing boys and girls! They should be having two!" Thor opposed. "And it's arguably better they consume earthly alcoholic beverages on the top-secret premises rather than in a dirty nightclub in New York City, yes?"

"Yes, but-"

"So it is." He interrupted, Tony knowing he wasn't going to win this one.

"Does anyone know the whereabouts of my child legacy? Her presence is missing." Thor then noticed.

"She's in her room, needed a little bit of time to herself." Tony answered, not seeming like he thought anything more of it. This was probably normal behavior for his daughter and that's why he brushed it off, but Peter knew better than to just let it go. He knew Maize could be in trouble. Once she gets lost in her own head, sometimes there's no going back.

Peter was the first one daring enough to approach Mazie since they had returned to the compound. He was growing increasingly concerned over Maize as the party went along, and he couldn't focus on the cheery conversation because he was thinking about Maize. Her presence was missing and they all wanted her there to celebrate their victory, but it went deeper than that. Peter wanted to know she was okay. A check wouldn't hurt anyone, and he just wanted to make sure she was doing alright. If she needed to still be alone, he would leave her alone, but he wouldn't know if he didn't ask.

"Peter, she's fine! Don't worry." Meaghan tried to convince him.

"Maybe so, I just want to make sure for myself." He answered, grabbing his red plastic cup of soda that Tony traded him for the mug of beer, even though Peter would probably be handed another one once he returned to the party, thanks to Thor. Peter headed towards the elevator. He had no idea what his approach was going to be or how he was going to deal with whatever was coming his way, but he would go with it as he went.

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