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"This is what she wanted. She needed to go home."


Tony's Mercedes dropped her off at her home on 125th street in Queens and Maize was eager to get out of it and finally go to the place where she felt safest right now. She grabbed her bags and shut the car door, walking up her stone driveway and wooden steps to unlock the front door and the familiar aura of the house greeted her. She was immediately calm until that was broken when she encountered her mother.

"Maize! What are you doing back?" She asked, wiping her hands on her cleaning apron since she was tidying up the kitchen when Maize stumbled in.

"Mom, I have so much to tell you, you're not going to believe it."

"I'm not so sure about that, honey. I can't believe Tony let you come back, unless something bad happened."

"So you do know?! How long have you known I would be taken and turned into a superhuman?"

"I've known it since the day you were born, and it was confirmed about four years ago when you started high school, and the program began."

"Why'd you lie to me? How could you hold this from me for so long?!"

"I couldn't tell you until it happened, Maize. If I could have, I would have. You always did need an adjustment period for big change, like with the divorce."

"I need to let this all sink in and I can't do it at the compound. It's cold and I already know the other people don't like me, especially since Peter is there and I know he's still mad at me, he won't talk to me and I've never seen him look at me like he did the other day. It doesn't feel right, I thought I had my whole life planned out but Tony Stark did it for me, and I just don't have a choice in what I want to do. I don't feel like an individual, Mom. I feel like a stranger to myself, especially because I've never been the type to fit to someone's cookie cutter idea of who they want me to be. I just can't be Thor." She ranted, brushing by her mother and running up to her light blue bedroom.

Upstairs, she closed the white-painted wooden door and locked it, though the lock had been busted for years and it could open with enough jiggling. She threw her backpack and her other bags on the hardwood floor by the door, kicking her shoes off on the maroon carpet. She laid on her bed motionless, letting the white lace curtains dance in the breeze coming through the open window as she tried to calm down and try to rationalize the situation.

The light began to fade in the day, her front bedroom losing the most light the fastest. She didn't come down for dinner or get up at all, she was in a deep meditative, trance-like state. Sleep didn't take her easily, but it grasped her and dragged her into an exhausted, blackout sleep.

She didn't know how many days had passed, but she was working through her emotions one by one, trying to understand herself. Eventually, her mom came up to check on her since she was becoming increasingly worried about her daughter. She knocked at the door softly.

"Honey, can I come in? Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

She didn't answer, though she heard her mother at the door. Eventually she opened it, tiptoeing into the room. She saw her daughter on her side on the bed and she sat down gently next to her, running a soft hand through her blonde hair that was splayed out on the comforter. She was holding her stuffed dog close to her chest, her eyes closed. Her mother couldn't tell if she she as asleep, but her question was soon answered.

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