the untold story of the club, post maize

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"Tony knew that when they were all sober, he would have to get them together to try and piece together the evening so he could figure out what to do with them. Could he punish them all? Should he?"


It was early, early Sunday morning when the rest of the Avengers-in-training stumbled through the front doors of the compound like zombies. As a group, they had partied hard but been through hell with each other, and not one of them were in any sort of functional condition. They were in bad shape, and that said a lot.

Angelina, Ariel and Talia were completely drunk. Jordie was still trying to talk himself down from hulking out, and he had managed to score some sketchy club Valium for himself. Peter was trying to forget, and he was painfully becoming sober with each passing minute. Meaghan was battling her own emotions; she was the next Captain America, the fighter for the little guy, but she couldn't manage to even defend her own best friend at the club when three drunk girls wanted to pick a fight. She was facing her own morals straight in the face and was starting to deny who she was and what she was capable of. She had been their designated driver, but that didn't mean she still wasn't under the influence of something, and it was something more powerful than drugs or alcohol. She was under the crushing influence of her mind, and her own standards she had held herself accountable to her whole life.

Things were changing, and she felt it.

They shuffled as a group through the main hallway towards the elevators, but Angelina stopped to throw up in a potted plant on their way. Talia held her hair back and Ariel moved the leaves, and that was the most Meaghan had ever seen them support another person other than themselves.

It was a miracle they all made it up to their rooms, since nobody who was drunk could seem to remember anything or gather any sort of bearings for position or direction. The rest of the night was peaceful; no one bothered each other, or even moved. The morning and most of the afternoon was silent and motionless, which was rare. She decided that there was no better time to try and find Maize. She felt bad about not saying anything to defend Maize in her presence, and she knew that Maize would still be upset. If only she knew what happened after she left...

Meaghan and Maize had rooms right next door to each other so it wasn't a long journey for Meaghan. She assumed Maize would be in her room and thought it was a solid place to start, and that's exactly where she found her friend but in worse condition than she could ever have imagined or expected. She knocked on the door only to have it be opened by Thor, all the lights off and an unmoving mass of tumbled blankets in the bed.

"Meaghan, Maize is very ill and is asleep. If there's something you need, I can try to help you." Thor spoke, catching Meaghan off guard.

"She's sick?! What happened?!" She asked frantically.

"Her car broke down after leaving the club and she was caught in the rain for a little while." He answered simply.

"OH, my god! How did she get home?!"

"Tony found her by pure chance on the same road and he took her home after getting her car towed. She's resting now, but we're hoping her fever breaks soon."

"Can you just let me know when she wakes up, because I have a lot to tell her and a lot to make up for." She spoke, and Thor was happy to relay the message to Maize when she woke up.

It was a few days before Thor came knocking on Meaghan's door. Meaghan knew that her friend had pneumonia and was very ill, and she thought it was best that she gave Maize space while she was sick. But it was early Tuesday evening, Maize was nearly cured and an explanation was long overdue. Meaghan opened it to see the Norse god before her, telling her that Maize wanted to see her. Meaghan followed him back into Maize's room where Maize was awake and aware.

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