flesh, blood and family

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"Though it sounded crazy, Maize thought that the problems were because of Talia. And she was determined to find out why."


Maize couldn't sleep. She got a few minutes of light rest, but it seemed like she couldn't sleep because of the headaches and the visions and the nosebleeds. She didn't know for how long she would have to deal with random visions and how badly it would continue to hurt. She would take it day by day and only time would tell how her power was going to unfold.

Around 5, she rolled over and her feet hit the floor. She slipped on a pair of Nike glow leggings, neon yellow sneakers and a cropped hoodie before she tied her hair in a ponytail and grabbed her headphones. She wandered up to the dark kitchen before she grabbed an apple from the fruit basket on the center island. Here, she ran into Jordie Jones in the dark.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you, it's dark and I didn't want to turn on the lights." He apologized.

"You just startled me, no big deal. What are you doing up?"

"I could ask the same of you. But I'm still on my hockey schedule, so I'm used to getting up sickeningly early for practice before my 8 a.m. classes. You?"

"I couldn't sleep, I'm going to head out for a run." She explained simply.

"I was, too. Mind if I join you?" He asked as they walked out of the kitchen.

"Nah, I don't mind. I just hope you can keep up," she teased as they took the elevator downstairs.

"Yeah, well see about that one." He responded without missing a beat. Maize put her headphones in and tapped on her running playlist, and she immediately felt energized. Jordie couldn't keep up with her or his promise that he could keep up, and she ran ahead with a fast and graceful pace Jordie hadn't ever seen anyone do exactly like she had. Maize felt like a different person, she had never run like she was in that moment. Maybe she just unlocked a part of herself she had never previously discovered, but as she crossed the grassy terrain she felt like a superhero. She ran with Jordie following steadily behind her but not consistently falling further back for over an hour, and they had covered about five miles when they reached the top of a hill.

 She ran with Jordie following steadily behind her but not consistently falling further back for over an hour, and they had covered about five miles when they reached the top of a hill

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The sun was breaking the horizon when they had reached the top of the hill on the furthest East side of the land the compound was built on. Maize was tempted to lay in the grass and catch her breath, but she knew she would cramp up and die. Though, it was atypical of her to feel as good as she was after a five mile run, and she thought that maybe increased endurance was a perk for this job. That was something she could get behind, rather than getting constant headaches and nosebleeds for a currently unknown cause.

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