the youngblood project

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"You took something you're not even supposed to have in the first place!"


Maize (mayzee)

Her ID card picture

Her ID card picture

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"Tony, they know. They read the files." Peter admitted, his head in his hands and feeling as if part of this was his fault.

"Okay. That's fine. There were a lot of code words and they didn't have it for long. We were going to take them after graduation, but we'll take them earlier. It's fine, Peter. It's not your fault, you just did what I asked. Don't worry about it, kid."


"Peter won't talk to me, Meaghan." Maize spoke as they walked down the hallway of their high school.

"Rightfully so. You took something that wasn't yours."

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know. But I've called a million times with an apology but he won't talk to me. We've always worked things out before."

"This isn't like before. You know it. Now, go kill that debate. Don't let this effect your grade. We'll work it out together later." Meaghan assured, dropping her forlorn friend at her classroom.

Maize walked into AP Government feeling dejected. She plunked her backpack down next to her seat and pulled out her notecards, studying the content before she was due to debate with one of her classmates.

She was one of the first called and she still wasn't feeling confident all because of her mistake with Peter earlier in the week. Though, she stood up, cleared her throat, straightened her white button up blouse and went up to the podium. During the middle of her rebuttal, two men in suits looking like the secret service pulled aside her teacher. Maize still didn't stop speaking, keeping one eye on the ordeal by the door. Her teacher told her to wrap it up and she skipped to her conclusion, to the confusion of her classmates as the men allied towards her, prepared to take her out of class.

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