Chapter 23- Stolen Possession

Start from the beginning

...Uh oh, did she hear me call him son--

"Seems like Hibiki's got some competition at Totsuki, eh?"

"What does Hibiki have to do with any of this?!" I frowned slightly, embarrassed that my mom was delving far deeper into this conversation than she should have.

"Ohh, (Name). You'll understand one day." She pat my head, and I just looked at her strangely.

Wait, is she talking about...?

"If you're talking about how babies are made, my friends at Totsuki already taught me that they don't grow out of cabbage patches."

...You lied to me.

The woman paled at these words and I gasped when she suddenly seized my shoulders, shouting, "They taught you!? My poor, innocent baby! I can't believe you let them corrupt you like that! Was it a boy? That boy on the phone just now!? Or... was it a girl!? I always knew you were gay!"

"MOM WHAT THE HECK?!" I pushed my hands against her chest and managed to separate her from myself, allowing me the chance to breathe again.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you stay in that dorm. My wittle (Name)..." She completely ignored my discomfort as streams of tears dripped down her face dramatically.

"Well, as long as you're happy! Invite your boyfriend over sometime!" She cheered, her mood doing a sudden one-eighty as she pat me on the back rather harshly.

"I don't have a boyfriend-!"

"-Girlfriend, whatever!" She shouted before exiting the room and shutting the door behind her.

...Well, that conversation took an unexpected turn.


The next morning, my family and I woke up extra early in order to make it to the train station on time. Only my parents and Shuu went along with me, though, since apparently it was 'far too early for my old bones' and 'you'll be back real soon anyways' according to my grandma.

I didn't blame her, however, as I trudged through the station tiredly. Staying up packing last night sure took a toll on me.

"Message us when you're there safely. Do you have all your stuff? I know you ended up packing last minute. What about your toothbrush? And your (favorite animal) socks?"

I gestured to the luggage in my father's arms as if to reassure my worried mother before saying, "Don't worry, Mom, I've got it all right here. Besides, I don't have to bring much since I'm only returning for a short while before summer break."

She seemed to relax slightly at these words when my father added, "We'll be awaiting your return, then."

Simply nodding in response to his words, I offered the man a small smile before Shuu released our mother's hand and walked forward. He'd been quiet until now and it saddened me to see him so upset over my departure.

"Sad to see me go, eh, little guy?" Crouching down to meet his height, I patted his head affectionately and he looked up at me with those wide sea-blue eyes of his—the lucky duck got our father's eyes.

"...You'll be back soon, right?" he asked and I nodded in confirmation.

"Just in time for the festival. Watch over things for me, will ya'? I trust you'll take care of Miu-chan and Hibiki for me."

Since I never got the chance to say bye to them, whoops.

The boy remained quiet for a moment as he stared deep into my (e/c) eyes, before finally nodding and rushing forward for a hug. Not expecting this, I fell backwards on my butt and winced slightly before hugging back.

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