Chapter 11: Hazel P.O.V

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Hazel's P.O.V

" What ", Percy yelled.

"He kissed me anf Frank saw", I said I was crying so much; I was hyperventilating, as more tears fell down my face.

** Flashback **

" Hi, Hazel", I looked up it was Leo/Sammy. "Hi, S- Leo", I stuttered.

"I mised you", he said; I was shocked when he hugged me tightly.

"Sammy", it was barely a whisper.

"Yes,it's me but don't call me Sammy anymore I'm Leo now".

I nodded stiffly. "How did you get here?', I manage to choke out. "Same way you did".

"Nico", I sputter.

"Yup", he said grinning widely. "Hazel, I need to tell you something", he said softly.

"Hazel Leveseque, I love you", he said as he leaned over and kissed me passionately

No, this is wrong, I love Frank, before I could pull a way; I heard a voice.

"Hazel!!!???", a voice startled me.

It was Frank.

"How could you, Hazel. I love you,

"Frank, it's not what it seems", I tryed to explain.

"NO!, just leave me alone, Hazel. Were over", he yelled anger and hurt flashed in his eyes as he glared at Leo and I before stormimg off.

I just stood there.

** Flahback ends **

Tears soaked, Percy's shirt as I sobbed in his arms.

"Percy, Frank broke up with me, Leo kissed me and Nico lied to me!. I don't know what to do".

Percy grabbed my shoulders gently and forced me to lok into his sea green eyes.

"I promise, I will deal with both Frank and Leo". He tried to say camly but It came out as more of a growl.

"Percy, don't hurt them, Gaea is trying to turn us against eachother, while were in love", I said frantacially.

"I know, Haze", he said as he ran his hand through his hair.

 "If you need to talk or just take out your anger an frustration, I'm here but try not to aim for the face; we can't damage my money- maker".

I cracked a small smile, Percy always knew how to cheer me up.

"That's my girl", he smiled.

"Thanks, Percy your the best big brother a girl could have", I whispered as I hugged him.

"Awwww, Hazel your the best little sis a guy could ask for", he said as he gave me a quick hug and kissed my forehead softly.

I lay in his arms as we watched the starry sky, I fel asleep in his arms wishing they were Frank's.

soo.. watcha think ?

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till next time my lovielies<3

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