Chapter 4 - I have hands and legs

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When Kihyun leaned in, Jungha's eyes was shaking. She was trying to find a way to escape. Just when Kihyun started to feel her breath on his face, the girl smirked.

Jungha kneed Kihyun's crotch, causing him to bend in pain and release his hold on the girl.

"Making a report takes a lot of time Yoo Kihyun-ssi. I might as well give you the punishment before you try something." - Jungha said and continued her journey.

After taking a few steps, she stopped and turned to face Kihyun who is still trying to stand up straight.

"Oh, next time, don't mess with me. I am not who you think I am. This is a warning Kihyun-ssi. Take it or leave it, because there's more to come if you leave it. But you know, the decision is yours." - She said and left the guy alone.

"Gosh, this girl... How dare she hurt me? Just wait for it... Ouch... What is she..." - Kihyun said as he groaned in pain.

As Kihyun turned, he saw a boy standing right beside a corner.

"Daehwi-ah! Come here! I need some help!" -Kihyun called out.

The boy trembled hearing his name slip Kihyun's lips. He was traumatised enough. Not anymore. He can't take it anymore. Daehwi then turned to run away but stopped when Kihyun called him again.


By now, tears were already flowing down Daehwi's cheeks which were already stained with dried blood. But he turned anyway and make his way to Kihyun.

1 step...

2 steps...

And soon, he was just one arm length away from Kihyun.

"Help me. I can't stand." - Kihyun said.

And when Daehwi reaches a hand out to help the guy in front of him, he was pulled.

When will this end?


"Please help me Seung Ri." A voice was heard in Jungha's new house.

'Ergh, dad has a guest again. Hopefully, it isn't about dad's company. I'm tired of people asking for help through dad's company.' Jungha thought.

"I'm home!" - Jungha shouted as she entered her house. The house that was once filled with conversation, is now filled with silence.

"I was just saying that I am home. I don't get what's with the pin drop silence just because I am here now..." - Jungha said. The girl then took off her shoe and socks, place them on the shoe rack and walked to the kitchen to get a cup of water.

"I'll just go to the room if you're going to continue with the pin drop silence, dad." - Jungha sassed.

Once Jungha stepped into her room, she grabbed her towel and proceed to the toilet to wash herself up.

After about 15 minutes of showering, Jungha steps out of her toilet and took out her notebook to recollect what she learnt in school. After about 45 minutes of revising, Jungha put on her headphones, played her favourite song, which is BEAST's JunHyung and Yoseob Thanks To.

She put the song on repeat and changed it after listening to the same song for about 10 times. As she was lazy to pick out what song to listen next, she put it on shuffle.

After a while, a knock was heard on Jungha's room door

"Young Lady Jungha, it's dinner time." - The maid, Mina said but received no answer.

"Young Lady Jungha?" - Mina called out again. But still, there was no response. Seung Ri, Jungha's father told all the maids and bodyguards in the house to never open the door without permission unless it's an emergency.

Mina was worried about her Young Lady and panicked.

"Young Lady Jungha." - Mina called out again. Mina then took the room key and unlocked Jungha's door.

"YOUNG LADY JUNGHA!" - Mina shouted the moment she unlocked the door and pushed it open.

"OH, MY GOD! MINA UNNIE! WHY DIDN'T YOU KNOCK? I ALMOST GOT A HEART ATTACK!" - Jungha screamed after taking off her headphones and place a hand on her chest.

"I'm sorry Young Lady Jungha. I knocked on the door twice and called your name twice and you did not respond. I thought something happened to you, Young Lady Jungha. Forgive me Young Lady Jungha." - Mina said and looked down.

Jungha sighed, smiled and looked at the older female.

"It's alright unnie. What is it that you want to say, unnie?" - Jungha asked with a smile.

"The dinner is ready Young Lady Jungha," Mina said and bowed. Jungha jumped off her bed and walked out of her room with Mina. Jungha walked at the front, with Mina trailing behind her.

The moment she reached the dining room, her parents were giving her looks.

"Took you awhile to get out of your room." Seung Ri spoke while cutting the meat.

"I didn't hear Mina unnie calling me because I was putting on my headphones," Jungha said after drinking her water.

The conversation then died down for a while until Hae Ri, Jungha's mother, spoke.

"So honey, how was your first day at Noori High School?"

The question that Jungha expected but don't want to answer.

"It was fine. Nothing special happened." - Jungha answered.

And once again, the conversation dies down. After they were done with dinner, Mina took the plates and bring it to the sink to wash it.

"I can wash mine. Don't worry." - Jungha said when she stands up.

"Young Lady, I can't let you do that. You know how your parents are." - Mina stated. Jungha just brushed it off and washed her plate.

"I have hands and legs. And I can still use them. Just because you're a maid in the house, does not mean I can't do what I need and want. And I want to wash my own plate. And I already did it. If mom or dad scolds you for that, just tell them that it was my wish to wash my own utensils. Since you guys are not allowed to go against my wishes so... You know what to do, unnie." - Jungha replied, as she wipes her hands and makes her way to her room to continue revising.

After hours of revising, Jungha looked at the time. It was 8.26pm. She decided to leave the house for a walk. She put on a black shirt and black ripped jeans with her black high cut converse.

"Mina unnie, I am going out for a while. I need to familiarise myself with the surroundings." - Jungha said, and left.

Seungri looked at Jungha leaving the house the take his phone and unlock it. After scrolling through his contact, he made a call.

"I want you to check on Jungha. See what she's up to. Make sure she is not close to any guy." - Seungri said and ended the call.


Authors note:

A quite long update. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Do tell me what you feel in the comments about it. Hehe!

You guys can follow me on my instagram which is @/shim_hyunrin. I update about my book and stuffs there. You guys can also dm me if you have any queries or you need some help in writing your book.

You guys can also read my previous books, which is EXOrdinary Camp and the one shot book that I had published long ago. Let the request flow in. I would appreciate it a lot. But the updating process could be slow because I want to focus to this book first.

Shim Hyunrin

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