Chapter 31: There is Only One Answer...

Start from the beginning

I had never been so relieved in my life; I struggled to contain my glee.  I ignored the questions swirling in my head, about why he had said it was our wedding day.  I instead, focused on knowing I would be able to plan my own wedding. This meant; I had time to prepare for that battle, later. 

"Mo stór, I must confess, it was merely curiosity that caused me to stretch the truth somewhat."


"My treasure, I must confess, it was merely curiosity that caused me to stretch the truth somewhat."

He knelt down before me, concern was vivid on his face.  I ignored the guilty feeling that appeared, at making him think I was so upset. It was as easy once his placed his hands on my cheeks, looking deeply into my eyes.  Immediately, the heated electricity sent shock waves throughout my body.  I relished over the pure energy we created. 

His words suddenly registered; did he just admit that he was trying to get a reaction out of me? Anger started to creep into my veins; yet, once his lips touched mine, the anger evaporated. It was hopeless; I knew he had kissed me just to erase my anger. Nevertheless, I allowed him to do me.  My sole constellation was knowing; I was not the only one that was powerless. He too was just as addicted to our energy, as I; for it glistened in his eyes.  Before letting myself get completely lost, I asked about this so-called 'stretch of truth'.

"You know I cannot think clearly when you are touching me, and looking at me like that, Em."

I pulled back from his touch, then continued,

"I am curious. What were you talking about when you said, 'stretching the truth'? "

Something, I could not place crossed his face; it lasted only a mere second before disappearing. There now, was a ferrous intensely, that took my breath away. The emotion was so strong, that I could not only see it, but I could feel it. It caused my pulse to triple its speed.

"Well, that my sweet, would be how the press is already here awaiting our announcement."

I barely squeezed out my next question.

"W...what mean, what announcement?"

Dear Lord, God, Almighty... I felt my chest squeeze tightly. It took everything in me, not to start hyperventilating again. However, I knew if I did, I could lose him. He was beyond exhausted of my fear of commitment; which, I had to admit, was understandable. Even though, in my defense, it was not the marriage, per say that caused my freak-outs. No, not anymore; it was only the royal stuff I could not deal with yet; and, I feared I would never be ready for that part. I worried that even though I was controlling my breathing, he could sense my near panic.

"Ní mo dúil go mór mar sin álainn luath agus a bheidh bhean chéile... our future wedding, of course. Or should I say, more importantly, our official engagement, my sweet fiancée."


"My not so eager soon-to-be beautiful wife...our future wedding, of course. Or should I say, more importantly, our official engagement, my sweet fiancée."

Before I could even process that explanation, I felt this large cold object sliding onto my finger. Dear God, Dear God, Dear God! I slowly lower my eyes to see what Emmet was placing on my left ring finger; and, there before me, was the largest most beautiful ring I had ever laid eyes upon.

Shit, shit, shit. I was thinking we would just forever. That would have worked perfectly well for me! What am I to do now? I would lose him if I refuse him. I knew without a doubt; I could not exist on this earth without him in my life! But, dear mother of pearl; I could not become a princess! And, I could never live with myself if he chose to leave for me. He, he must become King. I felt his hand brush against my cheeks. He was wiping my tears; I had not even realized I was crying. My fear was consuming me. I could not utter  a word in my defense. My frozen state only caused the tears to increase.

"Ahh... My love, if only those tears were of joy. However, I know they are not, even without acknowledging the fear that you are so desperately trying to hide from me."

I started to protest, but he placed his hand on my lips sending the most powerful energy I have ever felt from him. It washed over, soothing me like a lullaby did for a baby. Sweet Jesus, how I wished the fears would leave me. At this very moment, I knew I would do anything to be with him. He was my soul mate and life, wasn't worth it, if I had to live without him. Nevertheless, the fear of being royalty was overwhelming me. I wanted to make sure he knew it was the only thing I feared!

"Shhh mo stór, I is ok, do not worry; I understand. Even so, my love; I will not go another day without us being engaged. I will leave my throne, if I must; nonetheless, I will not accept anything, but you acknowledging to the world you love me, and will become my wife, and soon as can be, my sweet."

My heart ached, why did he insist on marrying so soon? Can we not have a long; and, I mean very long engagement? And oh my god my heart broke at his mention of denouncing his throne. Would he resent me later in life? Could I live with myself if I let him do such a thing?

"Ky,  will you marry me?  Will you be my wife, the wife of simply Emmet,  the man not his title?   Can you give your heart completely to me?"

My tears were now of joy, how could it not be, when he puts it so very lovingly?I have no idea how I got so lucky to have this man before me love me with such intensely.               

"God Em, I love you more than I ever knew was possible to love someone! I can't live without you..."

He arched up the gorgeous eyebrow letting me know his patience was gone; he wanted the word, and would not be happy until I committed to him. I knew once I voiced my answer, I was good and married.  There would be going backing out. Right here, this very moment was it for me. He would not accept anything but a  yes, or no. And without a doubt, I knew that saying no would mean I would never have another chance. He would not at any time forgive me. Because, he was forcing me to

look at him without seeing him, as a prince. My answer was to him, without any other considerations. It was almost impossible to separate the two; yet I knew I must. I was going to either cause him to denounce his life-long purpose, or I was going to become a princess with the knowledge of knowing I would be a queen one day. Talk about pressure!! Yet again, there was not a choice in the matter.  There was only ever one answer I could give him.


It was my final warning; I had not a second more before I lost him forever. I answered barely above a whisper, almost inaudible.


With that weak soft-spoken answer, his mouth came crashing down onto mine. It was a soul rendering kiss; it was him claiming me; a bond that sealed us together. There need not be any further action; a license, certificate, a contract, or even a huge royal ceremony would not mean more than what we were at this very moment. This kiss was blending our souls into one, forever.  No matter the future; him being a prince, and becoming a King, or him denouncing his birthright incessantly, we were as one, now.  Nothing would ever break our union. 

I was still scared shitless; nevertheless, I let the kiss lead me to wherever it took us, surrendering myself completely to him.


Notes From Author:

There you go, so what did you think?  Let me know what you thought of the added translations...did it take anyway from the story being in the middle or what?  I couldn't decide to put them at the beginning or I tried this.  Please give me your feedback.  I am warning you, I won't be writing the sex scene. I am very new at this, and though I'm pretty comfortable making a few steamy make out sessions; I'm just not into doing more.  Hopefully, it won't take away from the story; and, everyone will forgive me:)  It's winding down, just a few more chapters.  So please lots of votes and comments if you think the story deserves it! 

Again, thanks for all my lovely fans, for their patience, and understanding when I get late on updating.

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