What is so wrong with me to make everyone hate me? 

Will I always be second best? 

I wiped my eyes from the new tears and ran cold water- splashing it over my pale face.

Taking in a shaky breath, I made my way to the counter.

"Cigarettes, please."

"What kind?"

"Um- Anything Menthol."

He handed them to me while I gave him the money.

I looked back behind me, ran to a cooler and brought back something else.

"I.D needed for alcohol purchases," said the man behind the counter.

"You didn't I.D me for these," I retorted, holding up the pack of cigarettes.

"Yeah, well you don't look any older than eighteen, so I can sell you cigs but not alcohol. Sorry." He went to put the alcohol behind the counter but I quickly reached out and grabbed his arm.

He looked at me through squinted eyes. Now this man was neither too big nor too small- but he still looked like he could chew me up then spit me out.

Here goes nothing.

"How about a deal. You let me pay for the alcohol and I won't tell anyone, especially since you just sold cigarettes to a minor without checking I.D," I smirked when his face paled and reluctantly scanned the bottle.

I thanked him as I left with a smug smile.

Opening the pack, I took one out and pulled out a lighter in my bag.

I quickly lit it, inhaling the cancer and blowing it back out through my nose.

Unscrewing the lid of the bottle I took a quick swig, letting the bitter nectar dance over my taste buds. I wanted to gag at the foul taste but I held it at bay.

That's what I did the whole way back home. I would take a drag, then take a swig. Drag, swig, drag, swig.

The buzz started in immediately, numbing my senses and warming the inside of my body. The sun was almost down as the bitter cold night started to settle around me.

I was a little more than two blocks away, stumbling down the side walk.

The liquor was gone. My hope was gone. I felt... Defeated. I felt lonely and numb, like no one gave a damn about me anymore. Except for Tris.

Tris was the only person who cared about me, the last person I cared about. But she wouldn't be with me forever. After this year she will be heading to her dream college in San Francisco, next thing you know she will be married with children.

Hell, even Sin and I weren't going to last as friends. I knew it. He knew it. Everyone on the damn planet knows it!

Decland... I don't know. It's hard to tell. One minute he's there for me, the next he's down Aria's throat. I hope that someday, we can be more- but deep down, I have a gut feeling that will never happen.

I turned onto my street- at least, I think this is my street. My vision was blurred and tilted, making me stumble for the umpteenth time in the past five minutes.

So this is what it feels like to be drunk?

I started to fumble for my bag, pulling out my keys and prepared to unlock my door.

What I didn't prepare for was the body hunched over on my porch, typing furiously on his phone.

The keys slipped from my fingers and fell on the cold cement- making his head shoot up.

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