Darry x Death

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Darry's POV~

Huh, so, this is it? My mind is only focused on one thing, Ponyboy. He would never actually understand that I did love him. Kid would never actually use his head.

I tried so hard to protect him, but in the end, I failed. Dammit! I just had to let my anger get the best of me... it was my fault that he got into that mess. Guess I'm facing the consequences. Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dallas were all dead.

Ponyboy didn't make it out of the church when trying to save those kids. Where as Johnny did, but he ran back in to save him. Only to be greeted with the a ceiling beam falling on top of him. When I heard the news of Ponyboy's death, well, I just couldn't face the facts.

I cried for the first time since my birth pratically. I hadn't even cried at my own parent's funeral.


That's what I am. I failed my parents and my kid-brothers.

Soon, after the rumble to settle things between the Socs and us Greasers, Johnny also passed.

Is there a God? I doubt it. Even if there is, I don't believe he is all good. Look at my life, it is a mess. I think Dallas has it good with death right now. I can't live with myself after what happened to Pony and them. To think that all the blame could be pinned down on me. It would better for me to just go... one less dirty Greaser to worry about

Hey, at least no more bills and stuff, right?

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