?Where he takes you on a date?

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Ponyboy: Y'all go to the drive-in early to watch the sunset and then a movie. Before that, you both head on over to Jay's to split a milkshake

Johnny: You guys casually hang out in the lot talking about y'all's family. Sometimes, you go throw rocks into the river while he let's you where his jean jacket.

Sodapop: He takes you on a picnic packed with your favorite foods and a slice or two of cake.

Dallas: He takes you to one of Buck's party and then into bed😉

Steve: He takes you on down to a drag race.

Two-Bit: Either to the bar or to his house for a Disney Movie night with beer and popcorn.

Darry: Treats you like a lady and takes you out to the nicest restraunt he can afford (no, not McDonald's😂). Sometimes, after a long day at work, y'all just cuddle on the couch until Soda comes in yelling mom at you.

Tim: Y'all probably go out to fight some Socs or pick up on a typical street fight

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