💕How you meet- Ponyboy💕

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Emily's POV~

I like to think that I am organized. If the rest of life is messy, at least my personal belongings are in order. Speaking of messes, a boy with greased back, blonde hair suddenly appeared in the doorway. The class turned around to get a better view of the panting boy. "Er, s-sorry, Mr. Stacks," he stuttered about as the tip of his ears reddened.

Mr. Stack looked at the boy strangely, "Mr. StaCK, no 's'," our teacher retorted with an annoyed expression.

"Ye-yessir! Sorry!" the new boy replied. You could tell Mr. Stack was ready for this conversation to end.

Yet, he continued, "It's alright, Mr...?"

"Oh! I'm Ponyboy Curtis. I just transered here from the middle school." The so-called Ponyboy uttered anxiously.

His cute name went along perfectly with his cu-- wait, no! No, he is NOT cute. Nope. What am I thinking?! Maybe the nurse was right about me needing glasses... I honestly have to keep away from the distractions we call boys and mindless flirting.

I was too busy in my own thoughts to notice the new kid sit next to me.

A soft voice interrupted my thoughts and pulled me back to reality, "Can I borrow a pencil?"

Of course, the only seat available was next to me.

"Oh, yeah, sure," I handed him the pencil. Dang, he was even cuter up close... there we again with the cute thing. My hormonal mind probably just imagined what happened next, but I'm pretty sure he winked and smiled at me.

Hm, maybe, a small distraction wouldn't be such a bad thing. Guess I better brush up on my flirting skills.

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