punch nazis

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what happened in charlottesville was pure racism right there. that wasn't a protest. it was a fucking riot that was started by neo-nazis, the kkk, and white supremacists. 

i'm just gonna get straight to the point: you can't negotiate with these kinds of people. do you really think that these are the kinds of people who will sit down with you and have a talk and be peaceful?? hell no. these people want to start a war they want to kill poc and jewish people and they want to take "their" country back .

i'm usually a peaceful person, but peace isn't going to solve anything. all those people who think that singing kumbaya and holding hands with nazis will solve everything are refusing to look at the problem and are trying to make it seem like it's not a "big deal".

it's a HUGE fucking deal. these people won't hesitate to harm and kill poc and jewish people. that's what they want to do. so my response would be: beat them up. punch them kick them slap them attack them lol fuck peace that isn't going to work now. 

now is the time for action. it's the time to fight. 

also, donald trump is a racist lol i've known this ever since he started his campaign. he's a fucking racist he's literally a closet white supremacist. i hate him so fucking much no words can express how much hatred i have for him. he literally defended white supremacists, nazis, and the kkk. that shows a lot. don't expect him (or the rest of the government) to help us.  

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