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i wasn't really tagged by anyone and i was supposed to do this such a long time ago, but i found this in my drafts and i decided that i should finally do it. Take It Away!

full name



aries, but i feel more like a pisces though and i think i have more pisces qualities compared to aries, but i am technically an aries

3 fears

spiders (lol i fucking hate spiders and one time, my ex and i were discussing about spiders and he thinks that baby spiders are cute, and i disagree because they're spiders and each and every spider is actually a demon)


death (how i am going to die, when i am going to die, what happens after)

3 things i love




best friend on wattpad

i have quite a few friends on here, but the people i talk to the most are mae, nia, margot, danae, anita, and fabi (and probably others but those are the ones that i can remember right now). i guess my best friend on here would be mae because i talk to her everyday and she knows basically every information about my life (i love u mae)!!!

last song i listened to

stains by brockhampton and paint it black by the rolling stones

4 turn ons

someone who is funny & who laughs at my jokes

kind & caring

intelligence & into that fake deep shit

someone who always has my back/loves me (that loyalty shit)

4 turn offs

poor hygiene

racist/sexist/homophobic/xenophobic/trump supporter/alt-right individual

people who don't care for me/don't love me

'overprotective'/enormous amount of jealousy/try to control my life/rude

t-shirt color rn

grey (i'm wearing a t-shirt for a university that i'm not even going to lmao)


in my ears, but i think i have to re-pierce them & i want to get some cool tats and a septum/nose piercing when i move out because i doubt my grandma would ever approve lmao

reason i joined wattpad

i like writing and i wanted to showcase my work & i also wanted to meet individuals of my age who enjoy writing & i wanted to read cool stories/poetry

how i feel right now

i'm bloated but i'm content with life and i'm just chilling tbh

something i really want right now

sleep, for my bedroom to get cold because it's hot and i don't like that, i want my friends because i miss them, i want a bunch of junk food because i'm on my period, i want it to be friday because i have a date and i'm so excited

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